Check-out All the Cool New Survival Products at Safecastle Paracord-wear, Grainmill bins, Escape Bivvies, Tomahawks, Machetes, Skeletools, SOG knives, Water drum heaters, Commando saws, Lockout tools, Hand-crank generators ... With all the recent sales activity in our storage food lines, we have failed to update you on our latest product additions at Safecastle. Some are really pretty cool. Check them out ... remember, all are discounted for buyers club members and ship free to the US mainland. I'll directly link just a few of these that are less than $50 for members: Paracord Bracelet Commando Hand Saw Dental Medic Lockout Slim Jim Tool Paracord Belt QuikClot Trauma Pak Stove in a Can SOL Escape Bivvy Bear Grylls Parang Browse the entire "Newest" and "On Sale" categories. And remember--we now match any MH dealers' official sale-period discounts while adding our incomparable club member rewards for Mountain House can purchases! Just let us know where you see a sale in progress and ask for our coupon code to get your matching discount/best deal!!