From LATE last night - I had a contest on The High Road for these 2 knives - they had to be for kids: I wish my pics could show how nice these are but these will have to do for now. For Doc2005 (member of THR who has a 14 yr old daughter who will use this for hunting) I used leftover giraffe bone and a 1/4" mosaic pin and it turned out wonderful: For ReadyontheRight (another THR member and this is for his son) I used Honduran Rosewood and it's also very nice - both knives have red liners and this one has 1/8" mosaic pins. Just have to clean up the blades a bit and put the logos on! <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
Very nice work, I'm sure they'll be very happy to receive those! BTW, do you make any bushcraft style blades? Thanks,Steve
Not really, but I do have a heat treated blank that has like a 7" recurve blade. I'll have to finish that one.
I meant stuff like the Ray Mears Woodlore knife, full tang scandi grind . Around a 4 in. blade, drop/spear point. 7 in recurves are dam sexy though!