Since today is a slow day here at work I thought I'd share a little poem with ya all... Was written by Bill Hirschi
i dont miss takin my girls for that stuff one little bit thank god they grew up and do their own shoppin now
I remember the first time I took my little girl in for her first... found a sales lady to help her out... then made a bee line for the sporting goods section... later I remember buying a big baggy sweatshirt not to wear but toss over her new assortment of bra, just so no one would see me with them in my shopping cart.... so much for being a big tough Marine Right?
Yeah...then some of us went and got married! First thing ya know, it's "that time of the month", and they want you to go to the store..I NEVER want to go through that ever again!
Hey you guys... what a bunch of woosies..... I have shopped for all that stuff, in my time, for Momma and both girls.... took the girls to get their Prom dresses fitted, as Momma was off on a contract.... quit your complaining... It is just a FACT of Life, for Men with girl children...... ...... but I suspect YMM does V......
BS! Didn't happen, cause no woman would ever under any circumstance send her husband to purchase a bra. Hasn't happened in the history of mankind and will not...just don't buy it. Women spend years finding just the right thing and they do not trust that to anyone else; contrary to the species. BS! Feminine hygiene products? Sure, they'll send you after those with wings, and flaps, and tubes and perfume, and sticky-tape, and flowers, but never a bra!
She set you up to fail, Ghrit. It wasn't about a bra, it was a passive-aggressive means to get something else she wanted. You are an engineer, no wonder you didn'r see that coming.
Heh. Well, checking the fit wasn't a bad way to spend a few, ah, minutes. (Don't remember the penance paid, but not having to go "shopping" again was a boon.)
my little girl is onle 2 so i got a few years before i have to deal with that. i dont mind shopping for mama though.....fitting rooms.....
My old woman, (Oops wont go there, inappropriate for this forum.) Something about a race to see which one gets to the belly button first.
Look this is just a funny poem... I admit I have bought my wife lingerie and lady sanitary things before... I qualify that by adding the lingerie was for Valentine's day or our anniversary... and more on the naughty rather than practical side.... I have no problems with that... But when it came to helping me daughter out... Lets just say I was confused and uncomfortable with the process... so I shought out the expertise of the sale lady... that's what she's there for right...
Dang, I am SO happy I am a lifelong batchelor with NO kids...... Don't mind missing THAT kind of fun. Then again, a lawful chance to go perusing through Victoria's Secrets could be interesting.......
When I was 19 I worked in a Victoria's Secret in the mall and a lone male entering the store was always a sure sign of quality entertainment to come. Some looked like deer in headlights, others like kids in a candy store, but all went to scratching heads when it came to details like size. The tricky ones would point to one of us and say "She's about your size, but I can't be sure without feelin first...."
Hehehe.... Some years back, the younger ladies in my office were shocked when I knew what Gold Lame and Bridal Veil were..... We advanced Scale Modelers used bridal veil to simulate 1/35th scale chainlink fencing! And nylon stockings make the BEST shoe buffing cloths in the Navy! Shoulda seen the looks we squids got buying nylons...... "It's for my.... uh.... girlfriend, yeah, that's it!"