Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to screw me

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by BigO01, May 8, 2008.

  1. poacher

    poacher Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre

    We all have opinions on what we will and won't do to buy a firearm. If it's FTF then it's cash and carry. If I have to sign a paper and show my lic. and do all that then it might as well go to a FFL and everything is confirmed squeaky clean. I prefer FTF and do everything that I can keep it that way. If I have any bad feelings about the buyer/seller I walk away from it. Could it be that one day I end up with a stolen gun? yep. So far never have tho.
    The last time I had a guy want me to fill out a lil handwritten form and show my DL to him I told him. I'll get my FFL and you can sell it to him then he can run it and sell it to me. The guys reply was, nope no paper trail. I told him he was a idiot and walked off.
    If your that worried about the seller/ buyer then by all means run it thru the FFL. If not then just sell it. Thats just my opinion.
    Take care Be safe Poacher.
  2. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

    Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre

    Have to agree with you, FTF is a sale with no paperwork. You can ask some questions and if the person does not feel right, then the deal does not happen. In OR you can buy through a FFL and then sell FTF, so if they come for your guns just tell them they were sold and have them hidden well!!!
  3. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre

    Jesus, alot of strong feelings on this topic...
  4. Mule

    Mule Monkey++

    Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre

    There should be huge debates on this as it is a central part of your freedom. The concept of "survival" means you are not waiting for someone else to "save you" or tell you what to do or how to do it. The mindset of a person will not be timid in one area and bold in the next. They must think and act as a free person in all areas if this is what they truely profess.
    <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
    Replace "gun" with food and let’s see what passions this stirs.

  5. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre

    The system is in place. With all the twisted laws and authorities...
    Taking basic steps( i.e. simple bill of sale) to help defend ( protect) myself from a huge and corrupt legal system IS central to my freedom.

    However taken in the abstract(without taking it as a direct personal assault which is how it's worded imho ); I can see There is some truth in what you've been espousing.We all have our personal breaking points; but Who are you to pass judgement??( andshould it matter?)I'm long outta' the service: I will decide when or if I ever apply lethal force. Gotta DD214? Some have more to lose. We are not in a shooting civil war,Nor do I hope to ever be. I don't see any glory in killing especially civilians.
    Quite simply alot of chest thumpers are full of sheit.
    If you shoot at a swat team coming through the door to serve a warrant;
    If you survive... you ARE going to prison.Is NOT shooting up the entry team Cowardice(?) or is engaging it stupidity?( and doing your"freedom"and family no good)...
    Quite frankly Good judgement IS central to my remaining clear of the justice system.
    Gunsare indespensible tools but not "central" to myfreedom or my ego..
  6. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre

  7. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre

    So now I went back and watched a bunch of katrina confiscation videos(available currently on alex's) and I have to hang my head in shame.....
    things aint logical, fair or even very lawful any more and the paradigm I was using no longer seems adequate..perhaps a few carefully pointed messages ( 174grn@2400fps Are called for..) I need sometime away to figure it all out again....

    Mule: I'm embarrassed to admit you may have a point, thanks..
  8. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre

    I just don't see how there is any harm or that I am eroding anybody's rights by using a Bill of Sale.
  9. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre

    The only reason I use a Bill of Sale is to help prove that it is no longer in my possesion if ever questioned. It would be my luck if the gun was used in a crime that I fit the guys description and didn't have an alibi. Call me paranoid but stranger things I'm sure have happened. Sometimes trouble has a way of finding me even when I'm not looking for it.
  10. BigO01

    BigO01 Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre

    Well Colt I recall reading an article in a magazine many years ago about the conviction or a suppose serial Killer who years later maintained he was innocent .

    I believe it was in Atlanta in the 80's about the same time gangs became so proliferate yet not quite as well known to the general public or publicized by the media .

    It seems the media took notice of the fact of many young Black men dying and many bodies being dumbed in a river .

    The entire case was pretty much built on so called scientific evidence and one eyewitness who saw the man on a bridge one early morning .

    The man found guilty had a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why he was on the bridge "If I recall he traveled that way to work and had car trouble and pulled over" and the witness had simply seen him on the bridge not dumping anything but just there at an early hour .

    The evidence was all nothing more but fibers found on the victims bodies after being puled from the river where they had been estimated to have been for days and matched with fibers found in the suspects home such as carpet fibers .

    The magazine said they hired an expert and a lab and took a completely sterile pillowcase and dipped it in the river for 30 minutes and then tested it .

    They claimed they retrieved a couple of thousand individual samples of the same quality used in the trial and stopped counting them all , many of them were identical to the ones found on the bodies .

    Pretty much with pollution being what it is Fibers of just about anything can be found anywhere especially a river that may well match what the majority of people have in their homes .

    Also according to the magazine even after the so called killer going to jail the murder rate of young black men hadn't slowed one bit and they still regularly fished bodies out of the river .
  11. Mule

    Mule Monkey++

    Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre


    My point is never to have what I say taken as a personal attack. I just want all of us (me included) to look at the larger picture and the fluid landscape we live in. Just like laying out sectors of fire for your platoon, if the terrain changes, then you have to alter your layout. Twenty years ago, I would have thought much of this stuff is nuts, but it is not any longer.

    I have family outisde of the Big Easy and they have all told the same stories-------- The Gov is not hear to help, they have become the compounding enemy along with the rath layed by Katrina

  12. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre

    I figure the concept of 'survival' means being prepaired for as may possibilities as one can and generaly in the order of likelyhood. To me thats all that the bill of sale would be, being prepaired just in case there were any problems down the road steming from the sale. Just like when I had a tree trimming company, I had basic contracts for each job to state the job to be done and the price so I was prepared if I got drug into court (like a friend in the business did) because the person hireing me didnt own the tree or some such and also to show proof of the agreement if they refuse to pay and have to collect.

    I dont look at it as being timid, I look at it as being prepared.
  13. dmen

    dmen Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre

    Big 01, it wouldn't have been an issue if you had stated the I.D. requirements in the for sale ad. Coming up with the restrictions are your right and no ones business unless you are wasting my/our time by bringing them up at the end of the transaction. That makes it sort of a bait and switch ad, I pass the checks regularly but don't always want to. So some times I buy privately for the lack of a paper trail, just don't assume I'm a criminal/Fed (is there still a difference?) just because I don't want to follow your arbitrary rules. dmen
  14. BigO01

    BigO01 Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre

    Well dmen as I poated it on the internet and not only do the majority of these people but the VAST majority of them not even live in my state I never considered someone wanting to do a legal FTF sale .

    The adds all said "Shipped to your FFL" which makes it pretty clear I intend for you to have a NICS check done and with gas prices being what they are I couldn't see even someone like MM wanting to do a FTF unless he just happened to be in the area .

    As I am not in the business of selling guns and the above mentioned circumstances I didn't think to include conditions for a FTF .

    Don't like , no skin off my butt go try and find that gun at such a good price somewhere else if you can't pass a NICS you shouldn't have a gun in the first place .
  15. Nomad 2nd

    Nomad 2nd Monkey+++

    Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre

    I also prefer Pvt sales, AND see no use of paying a dealer MORE $ to do something unnecessary.

    I would have told you no thinks and moved on.
  16. Nomad 2nd

    Nomad 2nd Monkey+++

    Re: Criminals Trying to Buy my Guns ? OR Feds trying to scre

    Pm Me the gun type and price, and if it's as good as you say I may have it shipped to my FFL.
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