Crisis Project Although we all need to be prepared to take care of ourselves and our families, different family situations and different crises present distinctly different prep requirements Some of the things to consider: Do you live in the country, suburbs, or city Your age and your family make-up Your health and that of your family The proximity of close relatives and friends who will require your assistance Next, what is the crisis: Do you have advance warning with a little time to prep - i.e. hurricane, flood, snow storm Is it a sudden emergency that hits with no warning - i.e. earthquake, tornado, chemical spill Is it a societal emergency that has national repercussions Finally... Will you be able to ride it out in place or Will you need to evacuate In this thread, I'd like to present a few different scenarios for us all to consider. I'm not an expert in the subject, only someone interested in being prepared for the misfortunes that could come my way. My thought was that we could collectively create a cast with individual profiles then present an emergency and discuss how each of the cast members could best prepare to handle that type of situation. Is anyone interested in this type of thread?
Yes...I'm in Yes...I'm up for it....wargaming theoreticals can be a usefull method of exercising problem solving techniques.
We seem to have some interest so I guess it's a go. I think we might start by developing a cast. If no one else starts it today, I'll begin tonight
Suggest a single topic for starters, much the way military "gaming" operates. New threads for different scenarios?
I disagree WD - In my mind, every cast member has a different scenario - different location, different circumstances.
Tactical Exercises Without Troops This kind of thought experiment is similar to the TEWT (Tactical Exercise Without Troops) that I used to do as part of my military training as an officer. I have appended some web resources that may be of interest on the subjects of TEWTs, Courses of Action Development and Analysis, and Tactical Appreciations. Some might be a little technical, but you will know what will make sense to you. Tactical Exercises Without Troops (TEWT) option=com_content&task=view&id=166&Itemid=1 Courses of Action Development and Analysis Military Appreciations Defence of Duffer's example of a Boer War era TEWT's_Drift