Sporting goods store in town has an MTech USA crossbow pistol on sale for $45(regular price is $80) and it comes with 3 bolts. Should I get it or save my money? Not familar with the MTech brand.
Why not save the money and put it towards a real cross bow that could be used as a true weapon that can accurately hit something and actually kill it instead of just pissing it off? AT
I would have to agree. I hunt with a crossbow, but I have never considered the pistol versions as anything more than target toys.
It is a fun toy if you have the money to spend. Check out they have a few to choose from and you can buy bolts by the dozen. You'll need a dozen or so they tend to get lost.
you can hunt smaiil game with them if you practice enough but I'd want at least a couple of dozen bolts for it....
I got some cheapo "self cocking" (wich ofcourse it is not, it has a cocking lever) pistol x-bows I got before they were banned here. It's a fun plinking toy, good to take a pigeon or a bunny at fairly close range. But mainly a toy.
self cocking Parker (not a toy) very clear sales version. I have one of these Barnett Demon, and one of these Horton Yukon SL : I would suggest you save your money for a real one like these.