Finally released! (or finished and taking orders at least) My wife and I got to be zombie extras in the final zombie vs. biker war scene. For you zombie movie fans....... it's gonna be cheesy as hell! George Romero will not be impressed. But hey, how often do you get to be in a zombie movie!
Sweet! A Kentucky product none the less. And I thought Videobred had the chessey market cornered in Louisville. Guess I was wrong...
That's cool. Extras in a zombie movie. When the price goes down a little, I will order it. It looks like a lot of fun.
hehe..... unless your a HUGE fan of EVERYTHING zombie, I'd save the money. It's pretty bad. It was just a lot of fun to be in.
very cool. I was watching "devils rejects" the other night and saw a friend of mine get shot in the face in it!
Always up for another zombie flick... never can tell when I'll learn something useful. It's on my netflix queue.