we all hunt and/or butcher animals what do you do with the bones? if youre smart you will pile them someplace out of the way and keep them why should you keep bones? you ask... simple, they are extremely useful what are bones? they are just compressed calcium carbonate same as egg shells, fish bones and oyster shells which are all just plain lime, the kind limestone is made of what can all of these things be used for? well for starters, tums and rolaids are calcium carbonate you can make your own antacid just grind up some dried bones, add a little water and press it into pills you can also mix the ground bones with sand and clay to make mortar calcium carbonate (bones) are called natural cement add some gravel to your mix and you have concrete add rocks and you can build a wall or footing instead of gravel or rocks add sawdust and you have sandplaster for walls and water tanks mix the ground bones with a bit of soap and lots of water and you have whitewash mix equal parts ground bones and clay, heat it good in a rolling drum when it forms little balls, crush them and you have hydraulic cement take the ground bones and heat them alone and you have slaked lime a natural sanitizer for your outhouse barns and sewers, it also cleans stagnant water add a layer of ground bones to your water filter and it will take out most of the iron you can use whole bones to make tools and jewelry like the cavemen did the first needles and pins were nothing more than small bone splinters you can grind a femur down into a very useable knife or spear point bones are much harder and stronger than a piece of wood of the same size and much easier to get and work with than steel, copper, brass or aluminum large bones were also used as the first hammers and tomahawks and were a common tool in flint knapping and hide scraping so you see, bones are well worth keeping, way too useful to bury
Bone meal is...you guessed it, crushed dried bones, great for gardens. I hate to tell you this, Is completely incorrect. Lime is an inorganic compound made from limestone. Slaked lime is lime AKA quicklime mixed with water. Cement and cement products, concrete etc. all use lime.
you should look up the chemical composition of bones and plain limestone you might get a surprise they are calcium carbonate fort st augustine is built from seashells and coral slaked to make hydraulic lime im told bones were used in the mortar of some ancient structures, parts of the great wall included and if you look, bonemeal has all the properties of regular lime
Sorry, Lime is calcium oxide - CaO. Hydrated lime is Calicium Hydroxide - Ca(OH)2. Bones are Calcium carbonate, different birds. Chemically similar, yes, they are not the same. This creates Calcium Phosphate: Ca3(PO4)2 These are patently, chemically, and fundamentally different substances. They are similar but not the same. They have different uses and different chemical properties. Anything can be used as mortar aggregate. Bones, rocks, sand. They add strength to mortar.
If you keep big piles of bones around your abode in the PAW,nobody will mess with you. If you keep big piles of bones around your abode now,they'll lock you up in Arkam Asylum with Gun Kid as a roomate! Matt