Hey everyone, My name is TJ, I currently live just North of Orlando, FL; probably one of the worse places for a survivalist to live lol. I'm a Marine Reservist, and will be activated for Iraq as of April 3rd, unless we get a standdown for a third time... I look foward to getting to know you all, I've been lurking for a few days and you guys seem like a pretty tight-knit community with some great advice for new members.
Welcome aboard, and thanks for serving. We wish you the best and come back often and safe. So far as tight knit is concerned, that may be but you'll find a few of us are not so tightly wrapped. Come often, stay long, learn and teach.
Welcome to our site. We have good days and bad days here at the monkey Always looking for a fresh perspective on things.
Welcome aboard. Definatly tends to be a tight knit group but also always open to adding more similarly minded follks to the folds.
Thanks everyone. Yes Quigley, I drive 7 tons (best truck in the world) and HUMVEEs; however, now that I'm in a Medical Detachment with the Navy, I drive ambulances more than anything.
Welcome aboard, and thank you for your service to our country. Melbo, all days @ the monkey are good days , after all we could still be back in the dark ages on another board........... shoked
Greetings from Iraq, I've been here five months now. Wave at the Blackhawks when you see them, I go to Ramadi and Fallujah quite a bit, be friendly and wave now, ya hear!
Tight shit, should be coming home in a few more months eh? I can't remember what I heard the standard Army deployment was, I remember it was about the same as the Corps though. I don't think this is Op Sec as it does not involve numbers, or patrol times or anything... not to mention they surely know where all of our bases are. So I'll ask, where are you stationed that you have internet access?
I'm based at Balad. Had to buy our own satellite system, costs about $100 a month. You may find someone to buy one from, but if not, you may have to buy one and that will get expensive. We had a six month train-up before coming over, but those days are rapidly coming to an end. It's then one year, boots on the ground. I've now been active for 11 months, still have seven to go. Money is good, but there is no man that can stand to be around his friends 18 months straight!
I'll look into those. Damn that's a long time... My biggest concern would be trying to figure out how to get a year's worth of AKs I traded MREs for home, lol.
Welcome to the board, DevilDog! and another Floridian here....I was just in your neck of the woods last week and weekend.... Buffett show at the Amway Arena? Incredible time!
I knew I should have shut the door when I came in. Now look what the cat drug in a MARINE. Welcome aboard Devil Dog. OGM
Oh dude! I have a ZPU-4 that I'm trying to find a way to bring home! Still functions, to include the action. There is a T-72 that we have been told we could have, but we have no organic transport to get it to port on, so that one is out, but I've measured the ZPU to see if it would fit in a conex!
One piece at a time... hmm... lightbulb, I got a question for ya Sniper! I think I'll keep this in PMs to avoid breaking any forum rules even though I'll be hypothetically speaking of course