DHS Its not just the 1.6 billion rounds of ammo, now it's "Light tanks" (WTF?)

Discussion in 'Tin Foil Hat Lounge' started by NotSoSneaky, Mar 4, 2013.

  1. DMGoddess

    DMGoddess Monkey+++

    Let's see, burn the tires, shoot the air canisters, run a bomb (on a skateboard?) under and detonate to flip 'em over, maybe just easy peesy paintballs all over the windshield. Check. Got it.
  2. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Skateboard Bomb.... Not likely enough to flip the Vehicle.... Now a well designed, buried IED, with a nice 4'X4' Steel Plate, for a Tamper, designed to fire when one corner of the vehicle was directly over the IED, certainly would cause it to flip. Consider it a "Turtle IED"... Oh... Yea, I like that Term... "TIED" Great Idea...
  3. DMGoddess

    DMGoddess Monkey+++

    Okay, since I live in the city, all I'd have to do is figure out how to rig the numerous manhole ... oops, I mean 'person-hole' covers (I live in the land of PC run amok). Okay, I can work on that.
  4. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Just a NOTE, here: Man Hole Covers are NOT a good place to put an IED, that is designed to flip a HEAVY Vehicle.... There is nothing for the Energetic Material to work against, because there is a HOLE, under the Iron cover.... Force would be directed DOWN the HOLE, and not UP into the vehicle... ......
  5. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I remember when "Manhole covers" was slang for sanitary napkins.
  6. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Only by "country folks" who have never seen a paved road... Sea....[lolol] [roflmao]
  7. Stealth Camper

    Stealth Camper wild foodie

    One word: thermite.

    Or two words: Eagle cocktail (themite, smoke bomb, and thickened fuel)
    9h0s7 likes this.
  8. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    I've read that the WWII boys called even a real tank Ronsons or Zippos
  9. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    DHS deploying in Homeland with ‘weapons of war’ - National gun rights | Examiner.com

    The sighting of a Department of Homeland Security Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) at a gas station near Ybor City, Fla. on Wednesday is raising questions, concerns and fears about what the federal government is foreseeing in terms of likely needs for such armed and armored transports. An additional big unknown at this time is what congressional oversight protections exist for if and when they are deployed in domestic situations.
    Compounded by the administration’s now “on the radar” push to further restrict civilian firearm ownership, the recent controversy over the potential use of drones over American soil to kill citizens without due process, and a longstanding and documented train of abuses tied to the militarization of law enforcement activities, those who keep an eye on such things are noticeably distressed. In the absence of once-pledged administration transparency and a vigorous and motivated watchdog press, civil libertarians are left with only speculation, and some are wondering if the predictable result, keeping activists on edge, is intentional.
    DHS-HSI Homeland Security Investigations El Paso SRT MRAP Armored Vehicle
    Among stated concerns include the obviousness and normalcy of it all. The vehicle, with has stopped at a public gas station, is flying a big American flag and has the DHS logo prominently displayed on its side. The government is not trying to hide the existence of these platforms on U.S. soil, they are normalizing it. As an interesting aside, when gun rights activists do this with firearms by openly carrying them, “progressive” politicians try to gin up public hysteria and loathing, and even some ostensible Second Amendment supporters have been known to issue public condemnations as being unnecessarily provocative and harmful to “the cause.” But let Napolitano’s shock troops roll into the local Hess station, and aside from public fascination, the same countrymen who would react to one of their own being armed with disapproval or worse accept it without question, much as they do the presence of TSA at airports -- and that should also concern the civil rights-minded.
    So what can these babies do?
    “Note that these beasts, which carry a squad of troops in the back, have a ring mount for belt-fed heavy weapons on the roof,” a source with extensive military experience tells Gun Rights Examiner. “They can throw an Mk19 grenade launcher or an M2 .50 caliber heavy machine gun on the roof ring mount at a moment's notice. They have firing ports on each side, so that the Special Response Team (SRT) troops can fire their fully-automatic true assault weapons through the four-inch-thick windows, which are able to stop .50 caliber rounds coming the other way.”
    And the administration does not trust We the People with semi-automatics (while designating their own select fire arms as "Personal Defense Weapons")?
    No wonder speculation is running at fever pitch in some circles, and that leads to wild speculation, which may or may not end up being wild enough. The problem is, with the lack of transparency, oversight and reporting, such speculation, when disputed, can, is and will be used to try to discredit (and ridicule) any who express related concerns, and one that is being so dismissed is a report that DHS has purchased “2,700 light-armored tanks.”
    “The vehicles in question aren’t tanks and they aren’t for DHS,” “Running Wolf” blogger Michael Malone counters, along with a link to the procurement contract summary for 2,717 units by the United States Marine Corps. “ntil someone shows me a procurement order for DHS, I don’t buy it.”
    That’s a reasonable challenge and deserves to be taken seriously. It’s one that our representatives ought to ask about and demand a straight answer for.
    “Some small portion of these MRAP’s may end up being given to the DHS, assuming the Marines have enough ‘extra’ that they are going to get rid of a few,” Malone continues. “Marines rarely do this. They are the land fighting arm of a procurement system that does naval fighting, so when they get something they tend to keep it a while.”
    That’s more speculative on his part, and as long as that’s acceptable for him to do, it seems fair to point out that anticipated diminished operations in Afghanistan combined with the Marine Commandant advising his troops that sequestration necessitates drastic “Save every round, every gallon of gas” measures, belt-tightening could make the manning, staffing, storing and maintenance of so many APCs a logical drain to start plugging.
    That also makes fair some additional questions raised by my former military source, who asks “How many of them does the DHS have? How many are they going to get? What is their stated mission?
    “If you see these monsters, photograph them and post the photos on Twitter #DHSMRAP,” he advises, creating a stated intelligence-gathering mission for concerned activists.
    “If you see them, report them,” he urges.
    Depending on one’s level of trust for this administration and its Homeland Security Secretary, his dire concerns will obviously not be shared by all. What should be are his questions, and one should not have to go tracking down links and sorting through motivations and agendas to get straight answers. Above all, any debate should not be dependent on ideologically-based speculation.
    We have an idea on the criteria used to deploy SRTs, which raise concerns of and by themselves as to what should constitute a legitimate need for such force. Adding MRAPs into the equation is cause for even greater scrutiny.
    Unless they agree that a purpose of DHS should be to incite fear and to create an impression of absolute supremacy to a populace occupied by a standing army, which is kind of difficult to square with the core servant government purpose “to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,” any congressional representatives not openly seeking these straight answers, as well as controls outside of the executive branch to ensure against abuse, is either being negligent in his or her duties or deliberately indifferent to them.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2015
  10. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Remove the manhole cover's, Lay a piece of painted like the street cardboard over the hole, Now someone's stuck ! Or at least eveyone's head just hit the roof.
  11. DMGoddess

    DMGoddess Monkey+++

    Interesting idea, and that doesn't take a lot of artistic skill (I have none!)
  12. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    I figure i can funnel them into it...
  13. DMGoddess

    DMGoddess Monkey+++

  14. DMGoddess

    DMGoddess Monkey+++

  15. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Yea, someone can't READ... and got the FACTS wrong.... These are for the US Marine Corps.... Made BIG News, originally, but was mostly BS.... because whomever, got the FACTS wrong, and it was picked up and posted al over then Net, with the Wrong Facts.... do NOT believe everything you READ on the Internet.... Go to the ORIGINAL Documents, or Research Papers... If you want the Straight Poop...... and not fodder for the TALKING Heads, or Writing Heads, as the case may be..... ...... YMMV....
    Silversnake likes this.
  16. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Last edited: Sep 16, 2021
    kellory and Silversnake like this.
  17. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Not only all that, but the way I read it, the contract is for refurb, not new.
    ColtCarbine likes this.
  18. DMGoddess

    DMGoddess Monkey+++

    I saw this online and I had to post it here.
  19. NotSoSneaky

    NotSoSneaky former supporter

    So the photo's of the MRAP's in DHS markings as well as the video's of a trainload on these things (again in DHS markings) have all been photoshopped ? foosed

    All because of something on SNOPES ? [eek3]

    IIRC wasn't Snopes itself debunked as being owned by an Oblabla contribuitor ?
    (as in controlled by the white house ?)

    Hey who was voted off dancing with the stars ? (In other words; Nothing to see, move along, move along...)
  20. DMGoddess

    DMGoddess Monkey+++

    Something I found on FB, posted by 'The Patriot Nation'. Haven't been through all the links yet, but I'm working on it.



    ► Obama speaking OPENLY about the need for creating a "Civilian National Security Force" just as powerful as the military:

    ► Obama arming DHS to the teeth: 450 Million rounds of hollow-point bullets and another 175 million .223 caliber rifle ammo massive ammunition purchase:
    The Department Of Homeland Security Is Buying 450 Million New Bullets - Business Insider
    ╚> *UPDATE: Now up to 2 BILLION rounds... for perspective: we only shot 5.5 million rounds/month during the Iraq war. 2 Billion = 24 year "Iraq War". Update story: DHS adds another 200,000 rounds to its 2 billion round stockpile - National Government | Examiner.com.
    ╚> *UPDATE: "Obama admin stonewalling on big ammo buildup"
    Obama admin stonewalling on big ammo buildup

    ► DHS Buys 7,000 assault rifles:
    DHS Buys 7000 assault rifles - Sacramento Independent | Examiner.com

    ► DHS Buys 2,500 armored fighting vehicles:
    What are the MiliPolice Planning On Doing With These Heavily Armored Vehicles?
    ╚> *UPDATE: It is believed the actual number is 2,717 MRAP type vehicles used by the military, retrofitted by Navistar Defense and re-designated for domestic use under the DHS. Read story here: http://exm.nr/Zi3kEp
    ╚> Watch related video:

    ► DHS Buys millions of dollars worth of target practice posters with pictures of armed civilians (including: pregnant women, elderly, children etc.) from a company named "Law Enforcement Targets, Inc.":

    ► On Jan. 4, Ryan Keller wrote at Examiner.com: “DHS has stockpiled nearly 2 billion rounds of ammo. This is an unusually large amount for a federal agency to be stockpiling. The agency has refused to give an explanation for these purchases, going so far as to black out information on another solicitation, which is illegal without Congressional authorization or in response to national security issues.

    ► “The typical response from the media has been that the rounds are for target practice; however, hollow points are not used for target shooting. Hollow points are too expensive and not designed for target practice; instead, full metal jacket rounds are used for training.”

    ► Up to hundreds of DHS "predator" class spy drones to be deployed by 2015 across U.S skies:
    Michael Savage's Photos | Facebook

    ► Eric Holder (DOJ): Drone strikes against Americans on U.S. soil are legal:

    I don't care if you're the most die-hard Obama sycophant. You cannot deny the disturbing pattern that's emerging here. Take the Obama blinders off and wake up to the real agenda that's behind all those fancy speeches. If not for your own sake, for your children, and your children's children.

    If you're an Obama voter, Obama doesn't care about you. He used you to get in power in order enact his sinister agenda, just like many other Marxist demagogues before him throughout recent history (look at Cuba, Russia, China, Vietnam, Cambodia etc., almost exactly the same pattern, and exactly the same outcome). There's no shame in admitting you were duped, as long as you wake up before it's too late. This isn't about republicans vs democrats, liberals vs conservatives, or left vs right. This is about ALL our futures! Obama is toiling hard to destabilize and CRASH the US economy, so that from its ashes he can "fundamentally transform" the United States of America just like he always said he was planning to do (only you thought it meant something else). Since coming into office, Obama has more than DOUBLED Bush's deficits after promising to cut them in half by the end of his 1st term; and with no slowdown in sight. What's more NO ONE is holding him accountable. He is NOT incompetent, he is seeking to intentionally derail the US economy. Pay attention to what this man DOES not what he SAYS. This will affect all of us, regardless of political affiliation. We have to stop all the partisan bickering and start focusing on our common enemy and our common interests. Will you keep being in denial about all of this until it's too late? Or are you willing to consider the possibility and start thinking for yourself rather than believing everything you're told?



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