Did you know it is a Federal Felony, for a Licensed Radio Operator to destroy, or render it inoperative, a Two Way Communications Device, as per The Communications Act of 1934, as amended? This includes Commercial Operators, Amateur Operators, GMRS Operators, Marine Radiopersons, Aircraft Pilots, CB Radio Operators, and ALL State and local government Radio Operators. As far as I know, it has been only used a very FEW Times, but it is LAW of the Land. ......
It was written in the original Act, back in 1934. Since Radio was still fairly New, and the technology, not well understood, It was feared some folks were skeptical of the Hazards of the Technology. This was part of the Operators Duty, to defend the Equipment, against any attempt to take it off the Air. These type of provisions were along the Line of "The Secrecy Clause" in the same ACT, which states it is a Federal Felony, to divulge any PART of a Communication, that was overheard on Radio Receiver, to a third Party, unless the Operator was a Party to the Communication, in the first place. As far as I know, that Clause has never been used in a prosecution, but it has been used as a Threat, a number of times. .....
You're saying, that if I, as a new hamm, were to get thoroughly frustrated with the radio, I just purchased, and it just happened to fall under a car tire, I could be prosecuted for not defending it?
As long as you were not the technician.... And of course it is a very OLD Statute. Many of these original Statutes make little sense in today's Communications World, but they are still LAW...
Not LAW, it is a statute created under Admiralty, since it dates after March 6, 1933 and the Declaration of Emergency by FDR. As BT would say, ".".
Very few people notice that the statute actually states that it only applies to people who are licensed... all licenses are worded that way
Yes, and under THE Communications Act of 1934, As Amended, if you READ, the Statute, All Radio Operators of Two Way Radios of ANY Type, that are NOT Part15 Devices, ARE licensed, if not individually, then under Blanket Nationwide Licensing, for ALL those other CFR 47 Part Services, and that includes things like Cellphones, and Cellular Data Networks. For those folks that can't understand Big Words, that means if you use a Two Way Radio, you ARE LICENSED, PERIOD, under US Law, as Required by the ITU Regulations, to which the USA is Signatory..... .....
soo... its just an act? not for real? Even when the words say they don't apply to you people will still try to plead guilty.