The "Mayan Calendar" thing is totally overblown - they predicted the end of the Age, NOT the world. We have seen many Ages come and go, usually with little fanfare. Had the pesky Spaniards not interfered, the Mayans would have crafted a NEW calendar, picking up with the new age.
Where are the Mayan's today?? I don't think to many hung around to see the end... But i could be wrong...
Oh they still exist, just not thought of as a RACE, currently. You can see the bloodline in many southern Mexican Tribes.... ..... YMMV....
The Maya Today I thought they were extinct but "the Maya people did not disappear any more than the Italians when the Roman Empire fell" learn something every day.
when one culture overruns another there always survivors hidin out and waiting we humans adapt too well when we want to, extermination is NOT easy