Do you think Obama could cause SHTF???

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by knophear, Oct 23, 2008.

  1. KCwelder

    KCwelder Monkey+++

    Riots if he loses. Riots if he wins. Riots if he is killed. No matter what it's a losing situation.
  2. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    (No offense Quigs but judicial, legislative and executive) and yes having dems control,2 of The three branches and appoint replacements for retiring SCOTUS judges would be as much fun as being water boarded by an unshowered pissed-off bulky marine.
  3. Conagher

    Conagher Dark Custom Rider Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    The real question yet to be answered is why Obama had the Governor of Hawaii seal up his original birth certificate and not allow anybody to see it until after the Nov 4 election.

    If he is a natural born citizen of this country, then why does he have to hide his birth certificate? Why not remove all shadows of doubt in the public's eyes?

    It seems to me that he has something to hide by sealing up his birth certificate until after the election.

    If he's not a natural born citizen of the USA, then I don't get his thinking that he will still be president of this country and also be in direct violation of the Constitution of this country.............[BSf]

    The Supreme Court can interject and start the process to keep him from being the next president of the USA......
  4. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Riots/ civil "disobedience", then martial law, perhaps a few "suspended" liberties.....
    Just a FEW!
    But then I digress.....
    It has become a NO win situation, regardless of what your political belief's may be.
  5. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Conaghers got it! If he's legal it should not be hard to produce a valid birth certificate! Which leads me to believe he's not a legal candidate.
    If he wins and we find out he can't serve the dems may try to get a constitutional amendment to keep their "wonder boy" in;,and tptb behind the curtain will run Arnold Schvartzenpooper in2012.

    Don't like it don't like it at all... deleted...
  6. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I think we are better off when one party controls the Whitehouse, and another controls congress, my feeling is that it will create enough gridlock for the bastards to not pass anything.
  7. Conagher

    Conagher Dark Custom Rider Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    My thoughts exactly EL. If the Republicans have control of either the Senate or the House, while the Dems control the other, then at least there is some bipartisanship between them.

    But I can guarantee you that if Obama is elected president and the Dems control the Senate and the House, then this country is screwed big time and that is no joke.

    There will be no stopping all the Dems agenda's from gun control, a new assault weapons ban like we have never seen, higher taxes to reduce the deficit, stricter atv laws and regulations/riding areas closed, and more civil liberties taken away from us by these liberals.
  8. Duke

    Duke Monkey++

    Either way we are in for a long road ahead.
  9. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    With the Illegal Dictator installed unconstitutionally as PsuedoPOTUS, and an UberLib Senate and House to support the Usurper, We The People are well and screwed.
    Increased control of our lives.
    Increasing gun and ammo bans - NO grandfathering this time - they learned!
    Increasing 'Entitlements' to the undeserving Welfare Block, in order to keep their voting support - and we taxpayers fund it!
    More socialist programs - like Free Medical for ALL - doesn't work well at all, for Canada, Britain, etc.
    NO idea of how to do Foreign Affairs - you DON'T talk with a rabid dog!
    Hatred of the military, with massive cuts planned at a time when we are being threatened from multiple fronts.
    Increasing woes for the Economy - shipping grinds to a halt, store shelves go bare after Christmas, jobs are lost, as are homes.
    The GOP is totally marginalised and withers, the Third Parties are whacked - America becomes a ONE party nation. Sieg Heil, mon!

    No, not SHTF - that is already here.
    barry will bring about TEOTWAWKI - coming to a neighborhood near you soon!
    Hope the Sheeple appreciate the CHANGE. [shtf]
  10. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    atleast my phone will stop ringing every20 minutes,. Sarah just keeps calling me ( that beeeotch)had a live person around5p.m., gave her an earful,
    Hmm well then...(isn't that "special"..)
    I 'll just putyou down as "undecided"...
  11. SuperTico

    SuperTico Yawn !

    Exactamente !

    OK class. Lemme 'splain something.... especially for you idiots that claim Repugnicanthood.

    The most powerful govt in the world is NOT the Unknighted states of M-pyre.
    It's the CIA. The CIA ( Al Ciada is the military " division" of the most powerful corporations on earth. I can assure you that come January, one afternoon after Obammy gets finished with his basketball practice, a few not so nice fellers wearing black ( clothes, not skin) are gonna sit that boy down and explain the way things REALLY work in this movie.
    Shortly thereafter it's off to Iran you go. Maybe Venezuela shortly afterword.

    War=money and natural resources. Your money/their ( whover it may be) natural resources.This can be Amazon forest for Archer Daniels Midlands palm oil plantations or corn fields in Paraguay for Cargill or oil or anything else these azzholes want to steal and sell you at a huge profit.Obama is just a puppet. Soon to be a VERY VERY rich and scared puppet or dead like JFK and Bobby.
    On case the dolts among you havent noticed the CIA is a REPUBLICAN entity and always has been.

    Class dismissed.

    This used to be a beautiful rain forest full of Jaguars and any other type of wildlife you can imagine.
    This one is owned by United Fruit.Yes. Those woderful guys that pay 30 cents for a pineapple and you pay six bucks. Think Central American death squads made in USA .
    I took this in Columbia.
  12. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    BTW If I give you $6.00 could you hand me a sliced/canned pineapple?

    So this "Dolt" dares to ask:
    So what makes the cia "republican"?
    Integral part of the military industrial complex I'll buy, but I believe there's a whole "level of doom" above and beyond party politics (looking back I see you basically said that.)...Every president has used the cia since its founding (1947 from the WWII office of strategic studies -OSS),J.F. Kennedy (dem) exposed the dirty linen during the the infamous bay of pigs episode in "cuba".

    Perhaps instead of "republican"( repugnican?) you meant "imperialist"(govt sponsored)?Or perhaps I don't understand that use of the word "republican"...
  13. SuperTico

    SuperTico Yawn !

    Do a search for GHW Bush, Kennedy and spend a few hours. You "may" understand.......
    " I never werked for that thar CIA"
    Lying bass tird....
  14. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    I understand toppling "unfriendly" govs ( mossedegh in iran) and inserting puppets.(i.e. the "shah")
    Doesn't make it "Republican" as in "the republican" party that is the common usage).Perhaps you mean "govt sponsored" ( in which case, this post is pointless and I would be "doltish")...
    I as most monkeys here resent being labled "dolts"...I don't care what alphabet you played for....
  15. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    According to Law:
    If by any chance the following should happen then a change in the office of presidency would also....

    1) Assassination prior to the swearing in ceremony of the first president elect.
    (Barack H. Obama)
    (Then McCain would take the office, NOT Biden, as he is JUST a running mate)

    2) Outbreak of a WAR, or, of a National Emergency.
    (The current/Sitting president, has the authority to cancel ANY/ALL elections for an undetermined amount of time)

    3) Inability of the current 'presidient elect' to prove his American birthright.
    (the Second elect, "McCain would again take the office, by default)

    Now "IF" anything would happen...
    Riots, civil insurrection, martial Law, and pretty much, an all out civil war.
    It could get really interesting, very soon!
  16. kckndrgn

    kckndrgn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    hmmm, number 2 on that list could be a real possibility.

    And yes, should something happen between the election and the swearing in, there will be chaos and riots.
  17. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    No. 2: Well, he can't suspend the election, that is a done deal. I am not so sure he can delay the inauguration tho' it seems likely he wouldn't want to with his popularity and what not so low. Doing it right is not dubya's strong point, but he might well get Obamination into the war room while doing it wrong to assure some kind of continuity and consistency, even if jawboning with the main aggressor is all that happens.
  18. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    I suggest to you that you should take time to read the COC here on the monkey. Fair warning.
  19. SuperTico

    SuperTico Yawn !

    More Nazi's I s'pose......
    watch who you are calling a Nazi............ QS
  20. Blackjack

    Blackjack Monkey+++

    I don't see how that one is possible. The presidency is an elected office, McCain was never elected. There were other nominees for president.
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