
Discussion in 'Bushcraft' started by Bishop, Mar 2, 2016.

  1. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Never say the words bye-bye in this house. You'd enjoy her as her eyes express emotions, curiosity, softness, etc.
    She is a long legged Blue from hunting stock. When she was 25-30#, I had her on a rope to do her business. When we came around the corner of the house, there was a medium size black bear. She went ballistic and the bear left. My guess is he thought she was small and crazy. As a result, my hands had rope burns.

    I'm glad you and others enjoyed "A Dog Plea". My daughter uses a parchment and cursive version of it for the background on her computer.
    Hanzo, pearlselby and kellory like this.
  2. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    Eli picnic table.JPG A salute out to Max, Sorry to hear you lost him. My Eli is my buddy. He keeps the fox out of the hen house and makes me lots of cash studding the girls. Eli is not your typical survival type dog. He is however very capable and the only Alpha Male I have ever owned. He is very special. Ill post a picture later of him. Again sorry for your loss.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2016
  3. pearlselby

    pearlselby Monkey++

    @Hanzo, you are welcome. I love mine and still love the ones we buried too.

    @ditch witch lol A That is funny!! I think I have had more good dogs than goods friends too. They have never let me down.
    Hanzo likes this.
  4. pearlselby

    pearlselby Monkey++

    @Kingfish, he is posing. wow He is really posing for the picture. I can see why he is used for stud service. He is perfect.
  5. pearlselby

    pearlselby Monkey++

    I guess you have to spell out bye bye. We do to. Isn't that hilarious. She is absolutely awesome. Scaring away a bear is pretty awesome. OUCH at the rope burns.
    Yes, you know, @Tikka I had "A Dog Plea" on my mind all last evening and this morning and now still. I gave the dogs extra hugs last night and 2 treats instead of one before bed. I have stopped what I was doing to love on them, And, I have talked to them more today.
    When we first got them from rescue, the hubby petted them for hours after they went to sleep. He wanted them to know how loved they were. We had just lost the "IT" dog that changes your life. It is still a bad day. I really worried about my hubby. He cried for days. So we went and got these from a rescue in Walden, Arkansas pretty quickly.
    Sounds like your daughter is an animal lover too.

    I have had more enjoyment in my life, because of the great animals that have shared it.
  6. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    I made a T handle to prevent repeat performances. Yes it is hilarious and spelling doesn't help if I put on shoes. :)

    She gets a treat before bed, then front legs up on the bed to say good night. For attention, she will sit by the computer chair. If I ignore her; she'll pop the arm with her nose. I'm about 225 and the chair will rotate a bit.

    My daughter can even charm mean dogs by talking to them. I've watched do it with dogs behind a fence. The growls stopped and their eyes changed. I tease her and call her the dog mother.
    Her son is the same way, he is in college and volunteers at a no kill kennel to walk and play with the dogs. He gets his dog fix that way.

    I am sorry to hear of your loss. I've two it dogs in my life so there is another in your future. The secret is let them pick you.
  7. pearlselby

    pearlselby Monkey++

    Thank you @Tikka, Your last sentence is so true. Yes, when you put your shoes on they
    We take ours almost everywhere except church. We say we are going to short church or long church and they know what we mean. Sunday night and Wednesday night is short church. Sunday morning is long church. If we HAVE to go somewhere and cannot take them, we fib to them and say long church. They totally believe it.

    Your daughter is a dog whisperer. You know not many people can do that. She has a charm about her. The dog has to see inside her soul and know she is safe. That is neat and what your grandson does to help animals. A vet in training?

    Have you ever tried to teach your dog to read lips? I tried to teach one of our dogs and they do not understand why they cannot hear me and it worries them. So I had to stop trying that. I thought maybe in a survivial situation, it would come in handy. Just one of my ideas.

    Yes, I know that it dog will come along. Thanks Tikka.
  8. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    The female is possessive of the vehicles; it makes for a long walk into the store.

    That describes her to a T. They take to her in a moment. She's had people say they couldn't believe their dog made friends. She smiles while thinking it was better to make friends than having it going nuts while I loaded my groceries.

    No, he is studying a field of mental health. They attach a bunch of sensors to people that monitor heart beat, breathing, muscle tightness and more. There is nothing a person can do to hide what is inside from the monitor.
    He graduates this December, then he will pursue his Master's. He does volunteer work with Veterans with PTSD at Lejeune.
  9. pearlselby

    pearlselby Monkey++


    That is wonderful that he volunteers with the Veterans. That takes a special person too. It sounds like he has a great future. The best of luck to him.

    My two pups will bark at everyone while we are at the store. But, they like ONE sacker, Michael. They totally embarrass me because they act like they want to go home with him. They look at him and whine when he walks off. We talk with Michael and explained to him, he is the only one who they do not bark at that gets near our vehicle. When Michael is around, they act like totally different dogs. Ones that I cannot recognize. Michael is a very nice guy, an infectious laugh and a big dog lover. So, he understood them.
    I really hope he does. lol
  10. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    One of his professors said he has the heart for it and very few do.

    Once we let someone in, they are friendly. Knock on the door and as they know not to tear up the door; they stand on their hind legs letting others know this is their house.
    The vehicles are different as some idiots teased them.
  11. pearlselby

    pearlselby Monkey++

    The professors would know his heart.

    Teasing is one of the worst things you can do to a dog. They do no understand it and try to cope. Too bad someone walking by did not put a stop to it.
    People who are mean to animals are less than human in my book.

    I asked some kids who were teasing a dog one time why they were doing that? They just said it was fun, I told them to go elsewhere for FUN. This was in the early 70's. Now I would probably get in trouble. lol
  12. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Bad idea. I TOLD you it was a bad idea.....
    pearlselby likes this.
  13. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    The Vets like him. He gets in a wheelchair and plays basketball with them and gets beat bad. LOL

    I put a stop to it. I walked up and put my cart against a bumper, clicked hatch release and opened it wide enough so their heads could get in the opening. I asked if they could come out and play?

    My book is the same as yours.
  14. pearlselby

    pearlselby Monkey++

    Where was this picture taken.


    That is funny about opening the hatch. I can just see it.

    That is cute that he plays ball with them in a wheelchair. From what I have seen on TV and read. The vets are good at basketball in their wheelchairs. Our boys are coping somehow. It breaks my heart to see the new normal of all of our guys coming home with missing limbs. This is worse that it was in Viet Nam.
  15. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Tikka likes this.
  16. pearlselby

    pearlselby Monkey++

  17. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Harley 6 2015. (Edited to fix broken picture)

    It's been five months now that my little boy won't let me leave home without him.. He will race up the hill and stand in front of the truck until I open the passenger door for him to get in. And NO, No one gets close to the truck in a parking lot!

    A couple weeks ago I found some lumps on the side of his neck, so we made a trip to the Vet.. The vet thought he had lymphoma and did a needle aspiration of a lymph node.. A little girl (woman) and myself trying to hold onto a 112 pound Rott. as the vet stuck a needle into his neck makes me chuckle now that that the biopsy showed no lymphoma.. A ten day course of antibiotics cleared up what ever infection.. Still don't know what it was..
    It did give me cause to consider the day when I may have to have him put down.. That will be a very sad day for me..
    For now, I get my coffee at the store on the way to town every morning and he gets four pieces of bacon..
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2016
    pearlselby and kellory like this.
  18. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    Thanks Pearl, Yes Eli does pose . His grand father was number one in the country in 2003. Bichon Frise. Eli is not the typical Bichon as he is an Alpha Male. Very rare to see a male Alpha in this breed. He does all the right things here marking his territory and keeping fox and coyote away. He pees on everything in the areas where they try and make inroads into our property. He is quite fearless as well and that scares me as he is only 10 pounds . Most any adult Coyote would eat him for lunch so I don't let him roam the property without me. He knows the smell of both Fox and Coyote and he growls when he smells fresh scent of either. He is so fast that I fear some day he will be out and tangle with a big racoon or Coyote and get torn apart. I only pray Im there to intervene.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2016
  19. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    my Blue Dawg...the baby of the bunch and my best buddy.
    From left to right: Thor the Puggle...the oldest (he's 14 this year), Buffy the cat, Bailey, another Puggle and Bandit the mutt.

    and finally Sadie, who is mama's dog...and the smartest of the bunch.
    BlueDuck, Kingfish and pearlselby like this.
  20. pearlselby

    pearlselby Monkey++

    WOW, KingFish, that is awesome.
    Kingfish likes this.
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