<iframe style="top: -9999em; width: 10px; height: 10px; position: absolute;" id="twttrHubFrame" tabIndex="0" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets/hub.1326407570.html" frameBorder="0" allowTransparency="true" name="twttrHubFrame" scrolling="no"></iframe>As with so many bills, the devil is in the details of the legal language for this one. Despite the deceptive appearance of good intentions and even safeguards, this bill opens doors for leftist activists to exploit and oppress traditional family values. HSLDA reports, If Senate Bill 2180 passes the Mississippi Legislature, a parent would be in jeopardy of receiving a life sentence in prison for spanking a child. Sponsored by Senator Brice Wiggins (District 52-Jackson), this legislation would make it a felony to “whip, strike or otherwise abuse any child,” thereby causing “bodily harm” to the child. “Reasonable discipline” would be an exception to this offense. The minimum penalty upon conviction of this crime would be 10 years in prison. The maximum penalty would be life in prison. Unfortunately, the terms “bodily harm” and “reasonable discipline” are not defined in the law, so it would be up to judges to determine whether parents had crossed the line and committed a crime worthy of imprisonment. Would bodily harm include inflicting pain or leaving red marks or bruises on a child? Is it reasonable discipline to use a switch, a paddle, or other object in spanking a child? Obviously there are differing opinions on this subject, and because of this, any child abuse legislation must precisely define terms to ensure that parents maintain the right to administer reasonable corporal discipline without fear of being imprisoned. Home School Legal Defense Association will continue to track the progress of SB 2180 and work with the homeschoolers of Mississippi to bring about a defeat of this dangerous bill.
There is a difference between spanking and abuse as outlined in this bill. I don't agree with the bill though. Jason
The terms "bodily harm" and "reasonable discipline" ARE NOT DEFINED IN THE LAW. . Laws should not be vague, or subject to wide swings of opinion in their interpretation. . Obviously there are differing opinions on this subject, and because of this, any child abuse legislation must precisely define terms to ensure that parents maintain the right to administer reasonable corporal discipline without fear of being imprisoned. . Liberals will do anything within the scope of the law to further their agenda. Are you aware this could be considered a "domestic abuse" charge, and if found guilty, you would lose all rights to own a firearm due to laws already on the books?
Calm down, killer! You can still discipline your children. You mustn't abuse the privilege of having children.
Im telling you if they had that law in WV both my parents would be lifers a thousand times over. Im glad they did what they did growing up or I might have turned out a lifer or a non working welfare zombie. There comes a point that the only correction is a good a$$ whooping. Even for some adults.