Anyone has any experience with it? Is it real? Old folks here even today use those wooden Y rods for searching for water and finding out bad spots in houses, I've seen it work...They say it's been done forever, but I never tried it... Anyone ever tried it? BTW...How did the old ones knew where to dig wells? If this is real, any tips or tricks?
I have done it. It's not that great. I was shown how to do it, then did the same thing. Take two welding rods, about 30 inches long. Bend one end into a 90 degree angle, with about 8 inches from one end, and do the same with the other rod. Now you have two rods with about 22" on one leg, and 8" on the other. Take the 8" portion, and hold it loosely in you fist with the longest portion being horizonal to the surface. Do the same with the other. Space your fists in front of you, about a foot apart. Now start walking slowly, and where metal is buried, the rods will turn and cross each other. Have used this method many times to find property corner markers, that are down a few inches. Works about 90% of the time. Good Luck. Note: I want dibs on your gold mine!!!!
LOL...Sarge, if I ever find gold, we'll split it 50-50, no problem...but I was more interested in finding water, and if you say 90%, that's helluva percentage! I'll have to try that dowsing stuff... Cheers!
I've seen it done, the same way sarge mentioned, we just used two pieces of wire that were laying around. It's been many years since my dad and his cousin dowsed for water. We found 3 wells, all three had water within a few feet of what dowsing "calculated. Once the metal rods pointed to each other, there was a way (i don't remember now) to calculate the depth of the water.
Huh...Now that's interesting! Haven't heard of possibility of depth calculation! I think more research is needed!
Search on line for a show called "Off the Grid" by Les Stroud (Suvivorman). He dowsed for water on his property using a "y"-shaped stick.
Thanks...Yes, I remember...I have all the episodes, but I don't remember the guy dowsing giving any details...and it was short part...I'll check it again...
No, he isn't. Les used a private dowser to come in and perform the task. It is still an excellent series and worth the watch.
Thanks for the clarification, I have not seen the episode, so I was thinking, among other things, Les was a Dowser. Go figure.
Not really an "episode", but he did a 1 or 2 hour show called "Off the Grid" which details his building a homestead that is "off the grid". It's an OK, show, but the version that I found in Google Video seems to be an "extended" edition of the show, and there are a number of inconsistencies with it. Oh, well, guess that's for another thread, don't want to hijack this one
so you want a short course in dowsing to give it a try? and learn how to drive your own well to boot