Am I the only one that thinks this is a bad idea? I expect the CEO of Cyberdyne Systems (NASDAQ: GOOG) will be interested in this technology. Buy shares! Brought to you by:
I don't think these drones have read Asimov. I think it's more like the robot in Robocop could kill anyone but a govt. official (I could've just made that up though....can't remember the movie that well).
I doubt they can be more ethical than humans.... who is going to program them? Or do they sense weapons? can they tell the difference between kids playing with toys and terrorists? I'd hate to be the attorney defending this case....
they can already kill without assistance. Area denial weapons like Mines and possibly UXO automated guns like phalanx, metal storm, etc. and other Identify Friend or Foe systems.
Then time to get out my Bill Clinton mask. In all seriousness, if the Constitution is supposed to protect the citizen from the govt., how can you defend against something you cannot see or be deprived of life without due process? Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2
A "reset" button, if you So, what are the ROE after this happens? If you see someone who used to be a pol, exterminate with extreme prejudice?