Earthships: The Garbage Warrior

Discussion in 'Off Grid Living' started by Brokor, Jun 13, 2011.

  1. beast

    beast backwoodsman

    in flood zones, leave good tubes inside, use them as life preservers :p
  2. thebastidge

    thebastidge Monkey+

    Brokor, you ARE an excitable type.

    I'm disagreeing with your *presentation*. Your sneering tone turns people off, and you wonder why... Take a bit more reasonable tone with people and maybe they'll see your point a little better.

    A lot of people worked hard for their "yuppie" lifestyle. They have worked hard, educated themselves, put in long hours, and they are not stupid people. They have achieved a great deal of utility from what they have accomplished in their current 'eco-system'. Telling them what they have worked for is worthless, is clearly a non-starter. It's not worthless. It could change in the blink of an eye if the environment they have eveolved in changes, but it is very well-adapted to their current circumstances. So calling it stupid makes you look crazy.

    Sneering at "yuppies" who try to learn from some of the pioneers and still connect to the grid, is ridiculous. If you're that concerned, you'd be glad that they're at least making moves towards the lifestyle you espouse. If you're really all that concerned about sheeple following the herd and the nanny state, why are you so bent on making people accept YOUR personal vision instead of finding their way like water to the sea, trickle by trickle?

    If you could learn to acknowledge cost/benefit and put things in terms other people can relate too, you might find it more effective.

    For example:

    Point: distributed systems are more robust than large-scale point-sources of electricity. They tend to self-regulate with demand.

    Counter-point: The supply may not meet huge spikes in demand. They're more expensive. Convincing people to use them and training them on installation and usage has a cost.

    Point: energy-efficient homes save costs in new generating capacity, reduce large spikes in demand that can overwhelm the grid. TCO can be lowered over time.

    Counter-point: Retrofitting costs a lot. Energy efficient homes can often cost more to build than conventional, and this cost is up front and immediate rather than spread over time, which makes it inaccessible to many.

    Point: Changing your lifetsyle can reduce your energy costs. Living more in tune with the natural environment has benefits

    Counter-point: There is a cost of convenience and time associated with such a change. There's a learning curve that doesn't always come easily. There's a social cost to living differently from other people. Some people's fancy ideas of living in tune with nature are comnplete fantasies of fuzzy, friendly disney animals, and don't have a good track reccord of being safe and practical.

    If you could tone down a bit on the superior, nagging, 'holier than thou' tone of superiority, maybe you wouldn't find so much need to sneer at the "ignorant lifestyle" of others because they'd be working towards the same things you want.

    If you could at least acknowledge it's not all upside- TANSTAAFL, then maybe you could convince more people. On the other hand, maybe your point isn't to convince people to change, maybe it's to convince yourself that you are smarter than 'they' are...
  3. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Thanks for telling me what I am. You would know, right? :rolleyes:
    Should the founding fathers have "reasoned" with King George? I suppose their "sneering tone" turned too many people off, and this is why the 2%'rs kicked butt. One cannot "reason" with tyrants --they must be resisted in kind. The same applies to Yuppies and their two car garage mansions and central air, sucking the life from our nation. The situation calls for immediate, radical transformation of core philosophies. Remaining indifferent and placating the ridiculous, consumerist lifestyle most have become accustomed to only exacerbates the problem. Yes, I "sneer"...too bad, it's nothing personal. [beer]
    At what cost did it come? Only the socialist model and corporatist society can perpetuate this lifestyle.
    What else is new? I look "crazy" no matter what I say to those who are conformists and consumer zombies. I am not looking to make friends and be chummy with Glenn Beck type personalities.
    I fully expect this to all crash and burn. All I ever try to do is share some wisdom. Take it or leave it. Again, nothing personal.
    YouTube - ‪Problems With Suburbia‬‏
    This is reality.

    Take care "Bastige".
    jasonl6 likes this.
  4. thebastidge

    thebastidge Monkey+

    Ah, yuppies are tyrants. If you'd just said this up front I would've "gotten it" sooner.
  5. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

  6. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    bgner and tacmotusn like this.
  7. rsbhunter

    rsbhunter Monkey+

    Not that i think there is a right or wrong side to this, but, it seems to me that as we age, we seem to require less and less of the "acceptance" that is gained/earned by proving our success in life by possesions... We are all different in that we gauge happiness in different measures......But as long as our goal is accomplished, we are happy....that is why tent campers sneer at popups, and 5th wheelers sneer at popup campers, and etc, etc....I am now in the stage of life where size is directly related to need....but, that is me, there are people in my town that are building 3000 sq ft homes....with NO children (of course, can't afford to WITH children) Anyway, this forum is a gift to both sides of thinking....Please remember that the right to have different opinions and the right to pursue any size dwelling , is another of the "freedoms" we as Americans, enjoy....rsbhunter
  8. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Your statement would be true if these people were not tied into a power grid system in which much of society has become dependent upon; it is this very logic that has patterned core philosophies to promote aggressive preemptive wars for profit and to supply for this energy dependence. Now, if you were to claim that each has a right to build or own any size home on their own property and end it with this, I would agree. It is only with the suburban Mcmansion paradise tied into the same power grid when we start to see the problem. You have EVERY right to live where you choose and how you choose on YOUR property --but, when you effect the prosperity of others by continuing to depend upon a wasteful, consumptive energy method for your own benefit, I can see a fault with any perceived rights. This wasteful, consumptive dependency on cheap energy will have the most dire consequences FOR ALL who exist in this society. The purpose of my argument is to propose the suggestion that we live smarter and within our OWN means --the size of the home means nothing as long as it supplies its own power (although it still would not be as efficient).

    I hope I have made this clear enough. If not, here's a link to another forum topic on suburbia and peak oil that can explain even more:
  9. rsbhunter

    rsbhunter Monkey+

    The grid is there for anyone to buy into as they please, do i agree with the damage being done to the planet because of producing this power? Doesn't make a difference, it is an option for anyone who has the money to purchase it... Your beliefs are 100% right....TO YOU. If everyone thought as you do, and declined to waste our worlds resources and health, then there would be a problem with the few who take advantage of the grid, who are ruining it for the many.....until the degradation of our resources is to far gone to be saved, then the worlds population will believe that there is "no problem"....rsbhunter
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