We've been raising bees for a while in our top bar bee hives. With a top bar hive, you produce a lot of extra wax. To use that wax, you need to melt it and filter it. This solar powered wax melter is perfect for the job. Just throw in your comb and put it in the sun! You'll need some basic materials to put this together, but it should last a lifetime. For detailed instructions, please visit: Solar Wax Melter - VelaCreations More photos: Solar wax melter - a set on Flickr
Hi there! I came across a post of yours and then checked out your blog. I am doing research on off grid living in the Pacific Northwest. If you have a moment I'd love to talk to you. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.
Had any problem with Africanized Bees? I discontinues bee keeping a while back due to FIRE ANTS and Africanized Bees. Still have the gear including extractor. I figure to buy some of the new bee clothes before I restart. I still have about 40 lbs of pressed bee hive foundation.