The current fiat money system is collapsing. We have been watching this biggest-of-all Western stories for well over a year now and have predicted the quasi-dissolution of the Federal Reserve and of the larger central banking system as well. While fiat money can prop up the larger bank distribution system, ultimately this latest fiat-money-"stimulus- incarnation worldwide - one that has lasted nearly a half-century - is likely bound to fail. The jobless recovery will put great stress on the West's industrial infrastructure. The eventual deprival of middle and lower-class wage and health benefits will shatter the social compact between citizens and the state. It is possible the obimanation slicksters know this as well thereby explaining their frantic push for coverage for the illegals--at our expense. On Monday afternoon it was discovered that the most recent economic news is so ugly that the scheduled release of economic activity is so grim that its release has been pushed back to after congress gets out of town next month!!! As the current version of Western civilization unravels wlly-nilly, I anticipate the resurrection of some form the of gold standard, or perhaps even a gold and silver market standard. Even a hurricane is survivable if you know it is coming and take appropriate steps. Laus Deo Overbore
I have been out of the country for a while, what does this refer to? what did I miss? "On Monday afternoon it was discovered that the most recent economic news is so ugly that the scheduled release of economic activity is so grim that its release has been pushed back to after congress gets out of town next month!!!" Please educate me.