Is ‘Illegal Immigrant’ a Racial Slur? - Ian Tuttle - National Review Online You can't "illegal" may, however, say "the I word."
All this PC BS confuses me. We can't say illegal immigrant because that's racist, but apparently it's not racist to assume illegal immigrant only refers to hispanics, so now we have to say economic immigrant for fear of hurting the feelings of illegal immigrants who aren't mexican because they may not like being lumped into the same catagory as mexican illegals which would make them racist in some way I haven't quite nailed down yet.
Hmmm... i didn't know that Chinese where latinos... or hatians for that matter... An illegal Immigrant is just that.... nothing more ... nothing less...
I am sooo glad I don't have to worry about offending somebody by saying "illegal immigrant". I still use the term wetback. I just cannot figure out how you can illegally enter this country & demand to be treated equally. I also was sent a video from a friend of mine in AZ. There was a gathering of criminal immigrants yesterday (a big to do over SB 1070 I assume) and they burned an american flag. it looked approx 5'X7'. Not a damn thing about it on any news channel. I have decided to go buy a good sized mexican flag & tote it around in my rig,,,I see them buring the stars and stripes and I will stop everything I am doing & burn the mexican flag right in front of them. What's good for the goose is good for the gander!! Have a great day
Re posting cause something didn't go through. but isn't the wording "Illegal" mean they are breaking rules. If they are Illegally here, then means they are immigrants that came across without following the rules.