EMINENT DOMANIA Taking of developer's land for open space OK'd Twist on Kelo case has mayor hoping to seize more private property Posted: August 5, 2005 1:00 a.m. Eastern Read entire article here: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=45612 Let the governmental land grab begin.
In CA emminent domain has been used for a long time - in 1965 the city of Daly City told my parents they were buying our house and since then it's been a BART parking lot. I'd like to see more of this - I'm big into Civil War stuff and developers have ruined alot of CW battlefield land. If there was ever a use for emminent domain it should be to preserve what we have left.
I don't understand why they are using eminent domain for a developer's property when local zoning regulations should resolve the issue of open space. I may be missing the bigger picture though. Is it the state condemming the property in large parcels? Now, in CT, after the horse is out of the barn, there is proposed legislation which will prohibit the taking of private property for commercial purposes. We'll see what happens. My suspicion is that the proposed legislation is in response to the public outcry over the New London case but when it is no longer front page news and people tend to 'forget', the legislation will also be put aside.
In Texas we have state rules that severly limit immenent domain, and I hear that more laws to further limit it or in the works here. I kind of feel the way the Texicans felt in 1835 when the Mexican Army wanted their cannon back. Here is their flag, and here the modern versions. "Come and Take it."