Discussion in 'Faith and Religion' started by skyking, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. skyking

    skyking Monkey+

    Come on guys,your can do lot's better than this ...
  2. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer


    We need the other 50% of the data to draw any conclusion on the matter. With your conclusion drawn on half the information, there is much else to say IMO.

    The only thing proven here is that a man can draw any conclusion he wants from statistical data. I was listening to a guy this morning on TV that was showing some stats on marriage. I'm sure that everyone has heard that "half of American marriages end in divorce", but is it true? It turns out it is IF you draw it that way. Only 30% of first time married couples end in divorce. The people that are inclined to divorce in the first place, are inclined to repeat the process a few times and thus drive up the numbers. You just never hear that 70% of first time marriages are life long commitments. It makes sense in hind sight. If 50% end in divorce, of every 2 people I know, one should have been divorced once... that's not the case at all.

    Statistics are repeatably corrupted by man.

    Just to show you what I am talking about, this link indicates that from 1930 until now, there was an increase in reporting stations from 350 to 4,000.
    Source: http://www.discerningtoday.org/members/Analyses/earthquakes.htm
    I have no idea if that figure is accurate, but it seems plausible.
    The link goes on to show a decrease in earthquakes since 1970 based on USGS data.

    The information on the # of stations is corroborated here:
    Demonstrating the Over-Reporting Fallacy « Conspiracy America

    So, knowing that the number of reporting stations has increased more than 10X, what does this data really mean?
    BTPost and chelloveck like this.
  3. skyking

    skyking Monkey+

    Gosh folks ,what do I say here,I suppose you can make of this whatever you need it to say ,I'm just putting it on the table for us to digest. I think history would support MANY times where information was rejected as
    man has regretted his actions as well as jumping in to quickly.Prayer and discernment are surely in order.

    ELE Updates: Timeline of Forecasted Space Events - YouTube

    While this is a couple of yrs old there's still some good information here. Some of the commentar's statements and pronunciation are humorous the timeline and past and future dates and events are critical

    Prophecy in the News - 2008-2015 - YouTube
    dystopia likes this.
  4. Ajax

    Ajax Monkey++

    IMO the way the world in general and the USA is turning it's back on God is sign enough we are in the end times. Even if you dispute earthquake data there are plenty of other things that indicate the times we live in.

    I've always had the attitude of planning like I will live to a ripe old age but living like any day could be my last day, even if the rapture happens in 100 years I could die in a car wreck on my way home from work today.
  5. fmhuff

    fmhuff Monkey+++

    No POV yet, but food for thought. LINK
  6. Gopherman

    Gopherman Sometimes I Wish I Could Go Back to Sleep

    Sorry BT, but he's got you on this one.
    I've been watching these same stats as well. There's a lot of data out there showing an increase in volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, meteors strikes, etc...
    Gods like numbers! He's pretty good at keeping track of things too, Israel became a nation in 1948, Jesus said Surely this generation shall not pass.... a generation is 70 years God likes that number, he likes 40 and 7 is a major favorite. The day after 9/11 the Stock Market Crashed 7%, 7 years later in 2008 0n 9/11 it crashed again 7% for a 1 day loss of 777 points!! Everything on the planet had to go just exactly right for that to happen, Yes I believe the End times are upon us. Not the Tribulation but the Birth pangs have started for sure.
    Now add 7 years to that and you come up with 2015, factor in the Blood Moon Tetrad, the first of which happens on April 15,2014(Tax Day, Coincidence?),during Passover then the next during the Feast of Tabernacle's, then a Total Eclipse of the Sun, then the next Blood Moon April of 2015 Passover, and the fourth again on the Feast of Tabernacle's, I would say somethings up.
  7. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I did a very in-depth study of the feast days and it is fascinating, Every one is a prophetic play that portrays the coming of Christ and mimics end time events. And it is no coincidence that most significant happenings occur during these times. I read about a theory that Christs return is foretold by the feasts. He was crucified during the time of passover, he will return during the time of Tabernacles. That is in the fall of the year. We cannot know the day or the hour but it may be possible to know the season. Along those lines is the interesting theory of the timing of his birth. Many scholars place it in the fall of the year (sorry folks, spoiler alert, it isn't on Saturnalia!) And more precisely according to a leading theory it may well have been on September 11th.
    Gopherman likes this.
  8. Gopherman

    Gopherman Sometimes I Wish I Could Go Back to Sleep

    Watched a video on the Blood Moon Tetrad, The last time it happened Isreal had a six day war and recaptured Jerusalem, the time before that Israel became a Nation again.
    Every time the Blood Moon Tetrad occurs on Gods calender days something big affecting Israel happens.
    Tis time there is a solar eclips in the middle of the 4 Blood Moons. It will be interesting to see what happens!!
  9. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Thanks for all the links/info/graphs. IMO, when the trumpets/scrolls/seals start opening there will be no mistaking them. Am a mid tribber but no matter what your beliefs are w/o His shed blood on our sins we will still be here when the skies open.
  10. Gopherman

    Gopherman Sometimes I Wish I Could Go Back to Sleep

    I'm a before the wrath Post Tribber myself, otherwise I'd be just kickin' back and waiting and wouldn't even be here for this awesome opportunity to fellowship, imagine all the fun I'd be missing!![touchdown]
  11. Gopherman

    Gopherman Sometimes I Wish I Could Go Back to Sleep

    Ok, how old is this post? I keep seeing this 2012 end of the world stuff that was being thrown around back then? I told my family there was no way anything was gonna happen, Now when 1/3 of the ships on the ocean are destroyed, That'll be a hard one to miss!!!
  12. Nukashima

    Nukashima Monkey

    Well, I heard that Gore (or was it Biden?) is really pushing Israel to sign the seven year treaty with Palestine. As for me and my house, I'll serve the Lord no matter what happens. I could die at anytime, which would be the end of the world for me at least. There certainly is a lot of evidence to suggest that TEOTWAWKI may be right around the corner. Anyone else here rumors of a 'financial reset' out of the mug of the WEF (World Economic Forum) chairman?
  13. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    After learning that the Pre trib theory was only 200 yrs old and was based on the "visions" of a dying girl in Scotland I started really searching out the truth of the matter. I hold what I call the "Imminent Rapture Theory". That it is going to happen but we don't know when. I personally believe that it will be post trib, pre judgement.
    That is what got me into prepping in the first place. The idea that we would go through the famines and shortages and world wide chaos of the trib period. I have left churches where the pastor taught pre-trib rapture as Gospel truth. "The bible says..." No it doesn't, that is a man made doctrine and only supported by creative selecting and twisting of scriptures to support it. There is far more direct evidence in scripture to support a post trib rapture than pre.
    BTPost likes this.
  14. Gopherman

    Gopherman Sometimes I Wish I Could Go Back to Sleep

    A day's wages for a measure of Barley, And power was given unto the beast to make war with the Saint's and to overcome them,
    After all these things I will send my Angel's to the four corners and winds to gather my people to me, Come out of her my people, lest you receive of her sins and receive of her plagues, That even the elect might be deceived if it were possible, all flesh would perish even the elect, do not even go into the house to gather your clothes, pray that it not come in the winter or on the Sabbath, I could go on with this for a long time!!
    This is the deception (Pre-Trib) that will cause the great falling away, it already has.
    A lot of Christians have become lazy and apathetic, sitting around waiting smugly, thinking that they haven't got a care in the world. I would like to see their faces when it all starts coming down, in a letter to the church, it plainly states, WAKE UP MY PEOPLE, YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN YOUR FIRST LOVE!!!!
    PS: No man shall by sell or trade lest he take the mark!! You better get some food stocked up!!People will do anything when their Wife and Kids are starving!!! Can anyone say FEMA CAMPS?
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2014
  15. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I teach and personally believe that the "Great Deception" is the pretrib rapture theory. This theory is man made, it is not scripturally supported and certainly is not gospel truth. Anything man made can be flawed, and satanically influenced. Pastors who preach man made doctrines for biblical truths I turn away from. But there are many of them. Whenever I give a talk/lecture/sermon I always preceed it with this "Do not believe anything I am about to tell you". Because I am human and flawed and can be wrong. We should have a Berean mindset and "search out all things to see if they are true or not". But too many people in this world, of many religions, want to go to church, mosque,synagogue and be told what to believe. What God says. Very few actually search out those things and see if they are true or not.
    The bible says that a "Great" falling away must occur before the end. Some say this has already happened with many people turning away from the faith but that is not right. There have been ebbs and flows in church membership throughout time. The word that translates to "Great" in this passage does not mean simply a lot. It is a great of biblical proportions. As in the "Great" flood, and the "Great" earthquake of Revelation, the same word. So a Biblicaly great falling away is to occur. What could cause tens of thousands or even millions to turn away from the faith? Could it be that those tens of thousands, maybe millions, had been taught all their lives that "The bible says.." and not to worry about the end times, the church won't be here, revelations is for the trib saints not for us. I have heard all of that in churches. So when this multitude finds themselves right smack in the middle of all of this, when they cannot buy or sell to feed their families, when they are hunted and executed for their faith, how many will stand firm, how many will turn away? Turn away from a religion that promised them that they wouldn't be there during those times, that a magic carpet would fly them away to wait out all these terrible things. I can see that.
  16. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I like that MM... It all comes down to Personal Revelation..... When one is close to their GOD, and they HEAR, and SEE, Truth.... It is Witnessed, as such, by the Holy Ghost, to their Souls. This can be a Good Thing, or a Bad Thing, depending on what they, Individually do, with this new Truth. If they then Incorporate that TRUTH, into their Testimony, it becomes a Good Thing. If they Reject the Witness, then it is a Bad Thing, as they will still be held accountable for that Truth, in their lives. This is one of those TRUTHes that many Preachers never get, and fail to understand., as well as many of their Parishioners, are never Taught, by these Preachers. One should NEVER allow ANYONE, but The Christ HIMSELF, to get between Himself, and His GOD. If he allows his Preacher to be his "Go Between" then he will NEVER find his way to the True Gospel of Jesus Christ, and will always be just a Follower, of such a Preacher. My Belief.... YMMV.....
    Minuteman likes this.
  17. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    I for one do not believe in any Rapture. The word does not appear anywhere in the Bible as far as I know. The pastor I see on occasion does not preach it and in fact he calls it out as false hood. If I thought I was going to be spared the tribulations I would not prep. I am prepped to gills. We are all going through the shit together so get the things you and your family needs. What I believe that scripture means is for us to come out from the non believers less we be judged as they will be. We should not be as the heathen is. Don't take the mark be it in your hand or forehead . The Global elite (the beast) will try and force this on all humans in the name of security . We must fight this all the way till the end.
    Gopherman likes this.
  18. Gopherman

    Gopherman Sometimes I Wish I Could Go Back to Sleep

    I Knew there was a reason you and I hit it off so well kindred brothers! We even preach the same stuff. I say not to believe me, hoping that some of these lazy Christians that we've been trying to disciple will finally open their Bibles!!
    No longer will you call your neighbor Teacher, The Holy Spirit will teach You All Things, Call no man Father for there is but one Father!!
    He can't teach you much if you WON"T OPEN YOUR BIBLES!!
    But that's just one mans opinion!!
    Kingfish likes this.
  19. Nukashima

    Nukashima Monkey

    There certainly is plenty of wood on the fire as far as immorality is concerned in New Babylon. Mainstream media promotes all manner of abominations. One need look no further than the performance of Katy Perry at the Grammys, although she is certainly not alone with respect to Satan worship. It may be just the end of this civilization or the end of times. Either way, it is prudent to prepare.
    As far as the end of times is concerned, Rom 11-26 may suggest that there will be a massive conversion of Jews just before the end. Either way, as I said, the end of the world is always near, so we should find ourselves busy about the Lord's business, lest we be called unfaithful.
    Gopherman likes this.
  20. Gopherman

    Gopherman Sometimes I Wish I Could Go Back to Sleep

    Amen! The Masionic movement is going stronger than I had imagined until I recently watched a couple video's on Youtube featuring a Rabbi in a video called the Harbinger with Sid Roth this video says it all!!
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