Hello to all I understand I am new here and some may be skeptical, So if or when you PM me for pricing if you want me to provide my feedback from other forums just ask for the links And I will provide them, They are all under the same username and I have done several group buys on these other boards. On to the fun part. I am in the process of putting together a group buy on another forum and thought I would share with you all. It is for ESEE knives and gear. Here is how it works. You can PM if you are interested in pricing. I will get back to you with the cost of the product(s) ASAP I have to do it through PM's due to Many distributors MAAP pricing policies. If you would like to take a look at the knves you can find them at ESEE Knives I just wanted to add I was told the turnaround for an order this big will be 3-4 weeks after order. So if you can't handle the wait I am sorry. BTW I did contact and clear this with Admin beforehand so it is GTG
Yes they do, I have decided I am going to offer free shipping to the first 5 people from this forum to get in on the group buy, This is a Good faith gesture from me the the SM forum members since I am new. Enjoy all.
Just so the people that bought knows these are now on the way to me! =] I will try and get them in the mail ASAP.
For those of you that purchased an ESEE knife through the group Buy they ARE HERE! unfortunately I am leaving in a few hours and won't be back till July 5th. I will try to get them all shipped out then!
I am getting ready to make a stocking order for the website so if you need something I will put it in with my order. shoot me an email at brett@planboutfitters.net with what your looking for and I will get you pricing. BW
Just picked up my ESEE machete yesterday. If you read my review of the Fiskers Brush Axe, this thing is just as good except for cutting close to the ground. I revisited a few trees that were lying around and took a few whacks at them. Now I don't have to bother every custom knifemaker that comes on the 'Monkey to make me a good machete. I have one. The first thing I noticed is the convex axe grind! Awesome chopping ability, and the coating on the blade helps it slip through branches instead of grabbing them like parkerizing. The handle is made of canvas micarta, and both halves fit together presicely. It is tough and functional. The blade is sharpened pretty well. Not razor sharp, although I'm sure I could do it given enough time and desire to do so. When you chop clean through a 2" branch in one swipe it makes a great, ringing "TING" sound, like a tuning fork. Oh yeah, spring steel. Best of all, it was pretty inexpensive. If you want a good machete that will do it's job and then some, I'd recommend the ESEE machete. Plan B Outfitters delivered.
Sorry, Mountainman, I didn't see that you asked me for the price. It's been a while, and the ole machete has got some vegetation under it's belt. If I can remember correctly, it was just under $70.
No problem. It really is a great machete- the most comfortable and least obtrusive one that I have. It is a lot thinner than your average machete- govt. issue, Ontario, Corranado, etc that I have. It is also that much lighter. The nylon sheath is sturdy and keeps it a little higher than I'm used to, but you have to watch how you re-sheath the machete as it will slice into the sheath! You can see from the first picture how it rides higher- nesting in the nook between my hip and the bend in my elbow- but still just in the right spot to grab it without any effort. The handle is visible jutting out from my left side. No- I did not pose for these pictures, my wife took them when we were in the process of breaking in her S&W M&P. Second picture I'm walking to target (piece of cardboard placed in front of an old 90's computer on the ground in front of the berm) and rapid shooting. I'm trying to blast the old hard drive into bits. We put 1000 rounds through it over the course of two weekends. This was back when the machete just arrived and I was getting a feel for it. Now it rides on the side of my hiking pack. Yes, I took a few whacks at that dead tree off on the side of the range. Later I ventured back into the woods and chopped some live stuff to clear ATV trails. It seems that riding the trails just once every week does not inhibit foliage growth.