Strider SNG or SMF, with pocket clips although I have belt sheaths also. I also always have a Swiss Army Knife on me.
At present I carry my Gerber folder with clip on the top of a pocket and have a Saber lock blade in the pocket. Once my CCP goes through figure will check to be sure it wouldnt be a problem and may start carrying a nice switchblade I have that looks about like a normal tactical folder anyway, its a pretty good knife just not worth the legal problems at present.
I carry a tiny Gerber Ridge everywhere (I have 2). I have several other pocket/clip and belt knives I use as the situation demands
A Benchmade 705 clipped to the pocket. I don't like the rattle it makes when anything else is in the pocket.
This one. It's the smaller version of the McHenry and Williams recurve (710). It has a 2.9" blade (Detroit has a silly law about 3" blades ) that really doesn't have a recurve.
Been alternating between a Strider SnG, GB and AL Mar S.E.R.E 2K the past few weeks. I like the larger GB but it has a habt of taking up a lot of space in the pocket
I actually alternate fairly frequently, too. I have a Leatherman Micra on a lanyard with a 1AAA flashlight I carry everyday. Then, it will be the Griptillian, a Spyderco Endura, Kershaw Speed Safe, or a Gerber Harsey Air Ranger, that all depends on pants or slacks, mission for the day, etc.
I carry a spyderco police clipped in my pocket and a microtech fiberlite OTF clipped in my shirt pocket.
I carry a very tiny Al-Mar blade that is less than 1 1/2 inches. Mostly because work says I can not have a blade more than 3" My back up blade is a Spyderco Native II I believe which is also under the 3" law at work. At home I carry whatever I damn well please.
So you work for a company that makes gun parts that is so worried about people being armed they wont even let them carry a full sized pocket knife? Thats just sad from any company much less one in that field.
monkeyman I hope you were not referring to me? I work for the federal government at a hospital. They're just weird okay? We don't make gun parts...(part of the hospital makes eyeglasses for 4 states though).
I was haveing a brain fart and getting you confused with our resident Sadlack worker. Case of crainial flatulance.