FBI arrests former Marine for views contrary to Obummer Obamanation

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by tacmotusn, Aug 19, 2012.

  1. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Just saw that a judge ordered his release. Hope his first stop is an attorney.
    ExHelot and Mountainman like this.
  2. NWPilgrim

    NWPilgrim Monkey++

    "So devoid of factual information" that there was never any justification for his detention or committal. Sounds like a "Bend over and let me sue you" to follow soon.

    Don't you just hate those civil liberties? They make policing so inefficient.
    ExHelot and TwoCrows like this.
  3. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Due process and rule of law are non-existent to gestapo police and their response to everything they believe qualifies for terrorism these days.

    The corrupt government we have in place only emboldens these hard-chargers to continue policing innocent people, and the timid masses still support their own enslavement and persecution because they have bought into the fear campaign.

    This can only end very badly --a recipe for disaster looms on the horizon.
    ExHelot, Quigley_Sharps and TwoCrows like this.
  4. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Oh how I hate stooping so low as to link Infowars. However it seems he has this and no one else has put it together.
    In a quick summary, the Brandon Raub case is the tip of an ongoing iceberg meant to discredit as mentally defective, and disarm Irag / Afghanistan war vets. At least 20 cases similiar are ongoing right now.
    Brokor likes this.
  5. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    A picture of an ex marine with his "assault" weapon. And don't flame an old salt,I know there aren't any ex marines. I consider J napolitano WAY more a terrorist than Raub even in his wildest dreams.
    ExHelot and Mountainman like this.
  6. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Heard rumor's today of perhap's in the neighborhood of over 20K ex-military being rounded up...
    Seem's O'dummer is in fear of ex-military personal...I.D.K. ?
  7. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    November must be getting closer.
  8. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

    Below link says 20K in Virginia alone. This has to be extremely exaggerated, but should be a wake up call about what is going on and what the future holds for all of us.

  9. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Why sure ! The plan is to declare them mentally ill..So they can never buy firearm's...He be scared !!!

  10. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    As I have state, repeatedly, above, the only way to put an END to this type of BS, is to have a PitBull type Lawyer, (I am thinking, maybe VFW, or American Legion, could provide a referral service) get a WRIT, in the next Higher Court, and make the LEOs, and Complainants, PROVE before a REAL Judge (Not some hack Magistrate) that the defendant met ALL the Statutory Requirements for Civil Commitment, in that Jurisdiction. Then, upon release, immediately file Civil Rights Violations, on 1st, 4th and 5th Amendment grounds, against ALL, the Agencies involved in ANY WAY, and each, and every Officer, and Supervisor, PERSONALLY, who had anything to do with the incident, including any Civilian Complainants. It will only take ONE Victory, to put and end to this kind of BS, as once Precedent is set, in that State, or Federal District, no Prosecutor, or LEO, is going to mess around trying to skirt the Civil Commitment Statute again. They can't afford to lose their Liability Insurance Carrier, and the Carrier isn't going to mess around with trying to change a Precedent, in Court, for some Yahoo Cop Shop, and the Carrier will also UP the Premium SIGNIFICANTLY, if they ever get sued a second time, to the point they can't afford the insurance. That, folks, will END it.... sure as Hell..... My Opinion.... YMMV.....
  11. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    An interesting tidbit that makes me smile. As much as Barrack Hussien Obama Jr. has proven he hates the Military, It is a fact that he is a first class bastard. Not only that but his parents never attempted a marriage until he was a 3 month old fetus in his mommas womb. Both families were against the union, and I wonder why. Could it be because dear old daddy had lied and was still married in Africa? Yup, so they were never ever legally married and daddy was a bigamist. First class bastard indeed! I would hazard a guess that is a first for a president as well.
    At the age of 23, Obama Sr. had come to Hawaii to pursue his education, leaving behind a pregnant wife and infant son in his home town of Nyang’oma Kogelo in Kenya. Dunham and Obama Sr. were married on the Hawaiian island of Maui on February 2, 1961, despite parental opposition from both families. Ann Dunham was three months pregnant. Obama Sr. eventually informed Dunham about his first marriage in Kenya but claimed he was divorced. Years later, she would discover this was false.
    I won't openly say how I really feel about this worthless airbreather from Africa. I would probably be arrested if I did.
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ann_Dunham is me source for the second paragraph, but there are several.
  12. CaboWabo5150

    CaboWabo5150 Hell's coming with me

    Interview with Brandon Raub after being released from from the psych ward...

  13. ExHelot

    ExHelot Monkey

    The whole psychiatric thing recalls the Soviet Union and makes me super nervous. I'm all for freedom of speech with the caveat of not having the right to yell 'fire' in a crowded theater. I think that the postings he made are erratic enough to warrant concern. These ideas having been stated, it's a grave matter to deprive anyone of their freedom no matter how well intentioned the action may be. While I disagree with the man's actions and his worldview, I am pleased to see that he has legal representation from a well- known and well financed legal group. If he is mentally ill and not merely blowing steam or playing games I hope he gets help. It can't be easy living with the kind of fears he seems to have. Hell, it isn't easy to live with the real threats to our liberty and our way of life.

    tulianr likes this.
  14. Harbin

    Harbin Monkey+

    In the interview i think he tried way too hard, so much so that it shows blatantly. The parts about executive orders are a bit unnerving, not only for what is in the orders but more so the fact that the presidents can make them and they are not reviewed or in any way voted on. That has bothered me since i first learned about them way back in school.

    Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
    ExHelot likes this.
  15. ExHelot

    ExHelot Monkey

    After reading His facebook post the guy could be any one of fifty people I know. The government has been getting more and more centeralized and the congress has been giving more and more power to the president. This is cr*p in the Nth degree. The comfort I can take is that they can't get us all and by the time they start a mass roun-up, we'll be onto the pinko b*st*rds.
    Quigley_Sharps likes this.
  16. ExHelot

    ExHelot Monkey

    I'm not afraid, just experiencing a heightened state of awareness. That means counting ammo, checking food supplies and keeping my BOB handy. There comes a time when a limit is reached and they sure have been pushing it since Waco and Ruby Ridge. I'm not sure how much peace loving patriotic citizens are willing to take. I stand in awe at the patience shown thus far. Maybe it's not so much patience as it is (misplaced) faith in a growingly decadent country. Beats me. All I know is, when I think about what America was and what Amerika is, I feel sad.
  17. ExHelot

    ExHelot Monkey

    Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were filled with 'concerned' citizens. What kind of new-speak B.S. is this? The man was detained, put in handcuffs, denied his freedom and hauled before the local, party Apparatchik, where he was sentenced to 30 days. since when are the Jackboots from Chesterfield County mental health experts? It all pisses me off the more I hear about it.

    Read more: http://www.survivalmonkey.com/threads/fbi-arrests-former-marine-for-views-contrary-to-obummer-obamanation.34725/page-6#ixzz2ARAEcTmY
    transparent. transparent.
  18. ExHelot

    ExHelot Monkey

    I agree 100% with your evaluation but, that is assuming that all the parties acted in good faith. We recently had a cop murder a guy here and the stae police investigator said charges should be filed against the officer. The local DA and Judge decided that it was a clean shooting. I won't go into the details because this isn't the place and there isn't the space. I just don't trust the system when someones first ammendment rights as well as rights against unlawful detention are involved. I think the burden of proof has to be stronger and that the system has to be trustworthy. I don't believe that the whole system is corrupt (yet) but there are enough abuses of power at all levels of government to cause one to take pause.
  19. ExHelot

    ExHelot Monkey

    Kinda like the legendary Vietnam Vets that are all socially maladjusted, mentally ill, and drug addicted that suffer their mental state due to the number of babies and other innocents they murdered in an unjust war? Took a generation to finally debunk that garbage. I hope this one gets nipped at the bud.
  20. ExHelot

    ExHelot Monkey

    Got to get 'em before they can vote. It's hard to lose an absentee ballot when the voter is already stateside.
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