FBI/ATF Indicators and Warnings for Homemade Explosives

Discussion in 'Survival Reading Room' started by VisuTrac, May 26, 2012.

  1. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    By their reasoning, all women are prostitutes.

    They have the equipment, they know how to use it, so they must be a criminal.
  2. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Having some of "Ragners" books, TMs of restricted subjects, and other info on related subjects might be the tipping factor in losing a case. Not having things/stuff in your immediate area eliminates that. Out buildings/sheds/etc. will work.
  3. ssonb

    ssonb Confederate American

    One cannot rule innocent men. Everyone can be guilty of something.
  4. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Most common folks don't have the funds and resources to successfully wage a legal war with corrupt law enforcement and politicians aspiring to be re-elected based on convictions. It's simple, folks --the people are up against legalized mafia.

    Don't sit there in your home and tell me you're in the "right" when there's thousands of arbitrary laws on the books which make us all criminals. Tell me the media won't character assassinate you the instant they get a story. You're as good as cooked the second the men in black kick in your door or fire smoke grenades into it, and fighting your way through the legal quagmire is nearly hopeless. Seriously, these are all tactics used by tyrants, and it's intended to make the general populace play along to get along. If you don't like what's going on...YOU could be the next target. Simple.

    Let's not pretend it's any other way, because it isn't.
    ssonb, Moatengator and Idahoser like this.
  5. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    Years ago there was an organization originating out of Norborne, MO, called "The Minutemen" and they did indeed delve into learning the hows and whys of making and using explosives, destructive devices, mortar bombs, and etc. As for getting caught and fighting…use 'their' attorneys, the infamous Public Defender…they will work just as hard for you as one you pay for. And file a Rule 25 motion to the court to get all your stuff back, whether the attorney wants you to do it or not; I know whereof I speak in this matter. 2002181226. 2002181226.
  6. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    It can be done, fighting the .GOV in Federal Court.... but since the Patriot Act, and 911, the Statutes, and ATF Regs are considerably tighter, and much more burdensome. This is why I let my last State Blaster License, lapse, and never applied for a Federal Users Permit.... Just to much bother, for the amount of work, that I do since I reTIRED, from that BIZ.... I still have my Magazine, but it is no longer Licensed, or Inspected, so No new products are going in.... If I consult on a JOB, for someone, I am usually brought in, as a consultant, to the Primary Blaster, and He maintains his own Magazine, State and Federal Permits. I am getting to Old to do the Heavy Lifting, but still can do the Math, and Calcs..... It is a shame that Mr. Farmer/Rancher can't just wonder down to the local Feed & Seed Co-op, and buy a Case of "Ditching Powder" and a couple of Caps, and do his own work....
    Yard Dart, kellory and Tully Mars like this.
  7. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    Yep, those were the days; when I was a kid we would go to the hardware store and buy a roll of fuse and a box of #6 caps…for the 4th of July…louder than an M/80!
  8. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Thinking quantity and location would be factors. Fertilizer in the garden shed is not the same as in the basement with mixing vats/etc.
    tulianr likes this.
  9. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    Back in the 1960's we would buy ammonium nitrate, aluminum powder and bulk crisco…using a bakers dough mixer we would combine the fertilizer and aluminum dust and then pour in the hot melted crisco, molded into bread baking pans lined with wax paper we had home made 'plastique' that was quite brisent and would cut steel when capped with a US Corps of Engineers #10 cap or primer cord…the aluminum powder can be left out but…and TNT can be mixed into the mix as used in mining and construction. Making our own PETN was a different matter altogether…and don't even think of making fulminate of mercury…it is just too dangednabbed dangerous n all dat sheet n stuff;-)
    tulianr likes this.
  10. fmhuff

    fmhuff Monkey+++

    What's annoying is even if someone might have the knowledge and components doesn't mean they would ever use them for evil purposes. I know a lot about electronics, computers, etc. and even though I might be able set up or hack into surveillance feeds or things more sinister, I have never chosen to do so. In our ever changing violent world even moving the odd box or package on the street can be of concern. Knowledge can save your life, and it looks like now it just might get you thrown into jail.

    Does this mean I need to hide the flour, cooking oil, draino and coffee?
    kellory and tulianr like this.
  11. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    There is a sprouting business that sells interesting chemicals/compounds but I would not touch their goods. Seems like a typical "alphabet" ploy to add names to their database of potentials. No need to raise their interest in folks---any more that they already do.
  12. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    I've had that same viewpoint for years…I don't have need for such stuff any more but if I did the source wouldn't be some high priced, alphabet scammer, selling pinches and ounces. It reminds me of a local problem we had here in Seattle, WA, a few years ago; people were robbing fishing boats at the piers for their small tanks of anhydrous ammonia…to make meth with. Big risk with little reward…guess the never drove through our wheat farming country and noticed the 15/20k gallon tanks painted green on the farms! Well, one did get the idea and stole a delivery truck full and got caught when he tried to unload the truck (new) and its contents to an informer…just goes to show that sometimes those who 'notice' don't always know what to 'do' n alls dat sheet n stuf! ;-)
    NotSoSneaky likes this.
  13. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Ah, Mercury Fulminate isn't all that sensitive, compared to other Primaries, that are available, these days. The real trick to doing it, is making ABSOLUTELY SURE, that you wash the final product VERY WELL, to remove all traces of the Acid, and then NEVER encase it in ANYTHING that has Copper in it. Copper Fulminate is a whole nother BallGame... and has destroyed more Labs than you can imagine.....
  14. azrancher

    azrancher Monkey +++

    Bruce, anybody we know?
  15. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    There was an "Incident" in South Seattle, years ago, at a small Rocket Research Lab that was in a Old House... after the Incident, there was only a "Smok'en Hole in the Ground".... SFD found the Lab Notes, and determined that Copper Fulminate was the likely culprit, and was formed in the Copper Piping in the Sink Drain..... One other Drain Issue, that was very common in High School Chemistry Labs was Lead Picrate detonations.... Picric Acid (Used as a Cloth Dye, for Years) was dumped down the Drains, made with Lead Pipes, and formed Lead Picrate, on the inside of the Pipes. When it built up a sufficient quantities, it tended to detonate and blow the pipes all to heck. These were very common in the 50's and 60's.... Then there was the Well Known "Incident" in South Seattle, of another small Rocket Research Lab, that led to the formation of ExploCo in Issaquah, WA.... They were working with Ammonia Nitrate/Hydrazine Mixtures, as a solid Rocket Propellant.... Again, in this Incident, the LabNotes were discovered in the "Smok'en Hole in the Ground" and Astrolyte was invented. which at the time was the Highest Yelding Energetic, per weight, Known to Man. It has since be eclipsed by the folks at Livermore... Rogers to be specific.... Being a Research Chemist, for the Old Rocket Research Corp. tended to be a Hazardous Occupation, and they lost a number of really gifted folks over the years. After the AstroLyte Incident, SFD demanded Inspections on ALL RR Labs and shut down many of them, for Fire Safety Regulation Violations, and the fines almost bankrupted the company.... The neighbors were very happy that these Labs were gone....
  16. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    The Japanese hand grenades, mortar shells and bombs were first enameled inside and then hot picric acid was molded into them; stuff tends to get sensitive when it comes into contact with iron ;-)

    The French 50mm mortar shells that they/we used in SE Asia had TNT in them but used a chemical fuse made up of potassium chlorate/shugar and a vial of sulfuric acid that crushed into the mixture on impact…worked pretty good…I fired more than a few of them…we would find VC kills with strings of them over their shoulder, just tied together with the fuse facing down…talk about dangerous…almost as bad as RPG rockets that originally did not have a safety…the 'good ol days' were awfully dangerous sometimes.
  17. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    By that reasoning, all men are dicks,

    They have the equipment, sometimes they even know how to use it: ergo, they must be tools.

    Edit: Hmmmm....your analogy holds just as well for men...prostitution is not just a female occupation.
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