The FBI is asking Internet companies not to oppose a controversial proposal that would require the firms, including Microsoft, Facebook, Yahoo, and Google, to build in backdoors for government surveillance. In meetings with industry representatives, the White House, and U.S. senators, senior FBI officials argue the dramatic shift in communication from the telephone system to the Internet has made it far more difficult for agents to wiretap Americans suspected of illegal activities, CNET has learned. The FBI general counsel's office has drafted a proposed law that the bureau claims is the best solution: requiring that social-networking Web sites and providers of VoIP, instant messaging, and Web e-mail alter their code to ensure their products are wiretap-friendly. "If you create a service, product, or app that allows a user to communicate, you get the privilege of adding that extra coding," a person who has reviewed the FBI's draft legislation told CNET. The requirements apply only if a threshold of a certain number of users is exceeded, according to a second person briefed on it. More: FBI: We need wiretap-ready Web sites -- now | Security & Privacy - CNET News
I would bore them; however, that is unimportant. What is important is the government is out of control. They fight in court to leave the borders wide open; yet they want to snoop people's email?
This is why we have MonkeyNet.... To Keep Our Communications SECURE, no matter what they do in the Link Layer...... ...... YMMV....
What makes you think there is anymore then a screen door on the backdoor now !! BT has the only answer !!
Only the naive believe they haven't had these 'back doors' all long. NOTHING goes to market without the Goobermint's approval and ability to take a stroll throgh it.
Except "Open Source" software, where the Codebase is PUBLISHED, and can be scrutinized by the PUBLIC..... This is EXACTLY why we use GPG Encryption in MonkeyNet.... It is Open Source, and the Codebase is available for ANYONE, to look at. It has been analyzed, by Expert Coders, and Cryptologists, and you can compile the Codebase, should you choose to do so, yourself. The basic algorithms, were first written by Phil Zimmermann, back in the early 90's. With the Key Lengths used today, these are basically UnCrackable, in Real Time, for the foreseeable future. It will take, a two Orders of Magnitude, Faster, and Parallel Processing, to Brute Force a 2048 Bit RSA KeySet, in anything under YEARS. The PGP Codebase was moved Off-shore (Just like we have done with our MonkeyNet Technology) when our .GOV started putting such software on the Munitions List, back in 95. Phil then sold the Commercial Software Rights to Verisign. He then Published the Original GPG CodeBase in the Public Domain. It has been picked up, by a dedicated group of Coders, who adapt it to just about EVERY OS, as they emerge, running in the World today. ...... YMMV....
BTpost is exactly right. It doesn't matter if the transportation or communication of the message is compromised, being listened to, sniffed or tapped. As long as the message is secure. The MonkeyNet uses GPG messaging encryption along with a few other technologies. One of the most feared by code breakers is a Vernam Cipher also known as a One Time Pad. If the pad is used only one time, you could quite possibly produce a novella without a code breaker being able to read the content EVER. The other is Steganography where you embed a message into another file while not interfering with the original files functionality. You encrypt your message with either a Vernam cipher or Steganography program and then Encrypt with GPG and email, hand deliver, talk over the phone, tap out on morse key, write by hand and mail. It doesn't matter who sees it. without the proper keys/pad to decrypt it's a fools folly to attempt to read. If you want to learn more about protecting your communications, look at our Monkey Net White paper or google Steganography and Vernam Cipher
Honestly though, if the government wants to read your mail badly enough; they will simply arrest you on suspicion of illegal activity, use the fact that your communications are encrypted as probable cause, and hold you in jail on a contempt of court charge until you make your communications readable to them. You let them read your mail, or they destroy your life. The more effort you put into protecting your privacy, virtually or physically, the more attention you attract, and the more effort the government will exert to destroy your privacy. Staying under the radar, and quiet deception, I think, is preferable to a robust defense in dealing with a force that ultimately can crush you. An analogy would be crossing a piranha infested river; slipping quietly through the water will produce better results than boldly splashing across.
Diversions also work. Herders taking cattle across piranha waters cut a cow and put it below the crossing, draws the teeth away from the uninjured and make a clean pass. Yeah, something gets sacrificed ---
In the late 1960s there was a device that could record the magnetic variations of human speech off commo wire. Then listen to it... Yup it is totally encrypted; however they found you. In NV terms, compare Gen I to today's NVS gear. Common sense says detection gear has been greatly improved also. What Intel do we have that they would want in the first place?? Most times the enemy just wants to find the thorn in their side. Ditto because there is no defense and add beating unknown detection gear is difficult. Most of the equipment is top secret so unless someone is willing to risk losing a megabuck priced top secret or higher clearance; no one knows what they have. In shtf, personally I am not willing to bet my life and my family's lives on evading being detected. Even the military observes "radio silence."
Interception Capabilities If you want a glimpse at what NSA and its partners were capable of twelve years ago, take a look at this link. It is a report commissioned by the European Union in the year 2000. The EU subsequently made the report available to the public via the internet. It is one of the best studies ever conducted on SigInt, in my opinion. It reveals things that would send me to jail for twenty years for uttering, due to all of the non-disclosure agreements that I signed over the years. Bear in mind that this report is twelve years old. The advances made since then are mind-boggling. STOA Report: Interception Capabilities 2000 If you do some further searches on "NSA AND echelon" you will find even more information that should raise the eyebrows of anyone not well versed in government interception capabilities.
Different groups need to know different things. Different groups need to know different things. It's the 5 W's The police and alphabet agencies want to know. Who is communicating and Who is listening What is being communicated When it was being communicated. Why is it being communicated . So they can build a case and take down those involved. Military groups want to know where the communication is coming from so the blow the hell out of it. Monkeys want to know at minimum who and where if it's from the outside. We want to know who the group is, threat or not. And how close they are to us. So we can decide how to act/react/prepare. After that we'll take the rest of the W's as they come.