Interesting. I wonder if this applies to the various Wilson's I operate (all of which have gain adjustment dials which must be fine tuned)
In reading the document, it would seem to apply to ALL Cellular and PCS Boosters, and as the Service IS LICENSED to the Provide/Carrier, and the Booster is an RF Source, with more Tx Power than CFR47Part15 allows, that the Provide/Carrier should have control over these devices, under their License, even though they do NOT own them....
How do they intend to enforce this? Enlist LEOs to pull over folks with a Wilson Trucker antenna on their truck? How about the unit(s) on my office and shop structures?
I suspect this is just an "avenue" to allow the Providers/Carriers to be able to legally shut down a Booster that is messing up their Netwrks... From what I gathered from a qurry to a Techical Guru, I know back at HQ, there has been some issues, with this, in the past, and No Way to Deal with it without a VERY detailed Legal Challenge, because the OWNER is not the Licensee... This makes it the Provider/Carriers problem, and the just tell the owner he is OFF THE NETWORK,until he shuts down the offending Booster.... OR they have to go find a US Marshal to go in and confiscate the offending device. There aren't enough Marshall's to do that.... ...
Seems like this could be better handled by the manufactures of the equipment (like Wilson) to have their gear certified by the carriers rather than putting the burden on the end users. Or is there a reg fee involved?
I didn't get that impression.... It seemed more of a technical and network issue that the Commission wanted to dump off on the Carries, so they wouldn't have to deal with it... They don't have the Field Staff to do that stuff anymore... So this all really makes sense...
They already ARE, Ghrit, but they are allowed under the Blanket Cellular, and PCS Carries License... This just gives the Carrier the right to force the termination of operations of an offending Unit that is causing network issues.... The Carriers can do this for the subscriber units already thru TeleCommand signals from the CellSites. Before this Docket was issued the Carrier didn't't have that Right, and the FCC had to enforce the shutdowns. They just don't have the Field Staff to do that job.... So it is up to the Carriers, Now...