Dianne Feinstein: 'It's legal to hunt humans' with high-capacity magazines [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller
Really? I never knew that. I am stunned that she said that. I don't know how to respond to that. I watched it twice and she was reading that. That wasn't a flubbing of words, that statement of "legal to hunt humans" was written out.
The anti veteran comment about PTSD being a reason to disallow vets to own /buy guns is another issue...
FeinSwine just shows that she is an UNSTABLE Personality.. Definitely a Paranoid Personality... She should be STRIPPED of her Kommiefornia CCW ASAP... Can't be trusted with a weapon, while Ranting like that.....
Neat, do I have to move to commiefornia before I can get my human hunting permit or does every state have them?
errrrr.....Senator Hypocritstein......NEWSFLASH I'm not waiting till he reloads to return accurate and deadly fire. I run towards gunfire.... you have a US Marshal's Badge and you are duty bound to do the same but would probably just piss your pants..... I Run Towards Gunfire T-Shirt I Am The Sheepdog T-Shirt Doesn't Kill Me T-Shirt Double Tap T-Shirt BTW its good to know she is the screening authority for such valuable positions as Applications for the Positions of U.S. District Court Judge, U.S. Attorney, and U.S. Marshal Judiciary Applications - - United States Senator Dianne Feinstein OK - I just threw up in my mouth a little bit just thinking of her....gotta go brush my teeth
I wonder if Aridzonia defines EXACTLY what a "Terrorist" is in the Statute, that allows for this Permit? I mean there are some Anti-Constitutionalists, that could be named, that just might fit into that Class.... and a few Attorney's I have heard of as well.... Inquiring Minds, Want to Know....
Recognizing that the stupid statement has been quoted widely out of context, it's still stupid for one in her chair (which should be electrified) to have made it knowing spin would happen. All of which tells me she is nearly as stupid if not more so than Pelosi or Boxer, or (!!!) that classically stupid, silly New York woman that barely knows her own name, Shirley something.