Felling a Tree at Height!

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by Tyler Danann, Dec 9, 2014.

  1. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    BP is a Class A Explosive, where the components of Rack-A-Rock are just HazMat Chemicals, until mixed together, and are available in ANY Quantity, to ANYONE. BP is limited, in amounts that can be stored, locally, by BATFE Regulations, and the local Fire Marshal, without an ATF Magazine License, which is a GIANT PITA, if you have ever had to deal with that. BP Deflagrates, (Burns) where Rack-A-Rock, Detonates. This gives it a much nicer Pressure Curve for Heaving Things up out of the Ground, as well as Shatter Velocities, that make the "ToothPick" Senerio work. To FAST and you do not get Heave Capability, to SLOW, and No Shatter Capability. BP is way to SLOW, where Most HE, is way to FAST. Cheddites are right in the middle, and just the trick, for the JOB.... and NO, "Big Stuff" doesn't designate what Energetics require Booster Charges. That is determined by the Entropy Knee, of the Energetic Itself. Some Energetics Do, and many do NOT... It is specific to each Energetic. ANFO DOES, but Tovex, does NOT, and both are Basic Ammonium Nitrate based Energetics...
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2014
    kellory likes this.
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    A bit of clarification is in order here. BP deflagrates, meaning burns, and the pressure wave front is by definition subsonic that produces a relatively mild destructive wave front. Detonate is also an oxidation reaction (similar to burning in that respect) but the flame front is supersonic and creates a pressure wave that does the destruction. Between stuff like BP and (say) C4 or anpho, there is a range of explosive mixtures that can be tailored for the desired effect. Rackarock is but one. Do Not try these at home lest your kids become orphans or you want them to inherit early.
    BTPost likes this.
  3. Tyler Danann

    Tyler Danann Monkey+

    Well aware what BP is, but just giving the options. This is the internet and it's speech like we're talking in the street.

    So ok, for arguments sake, just is this Rack-a-Rock to make, apply and trigger? What components?
    The only 'safe' explosive easily bought and assembled without the red-tape factor is tannerite. This requires a gunshot to be applied and if you'll need a hole drilled in the side which may not be enough to do the job.
    Answers on a postcard below please. :)
  4. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Cheddites are binary Energetics, in that they are just HazMat Chemicals, until mixed, then they become an Energetic, in the same way Tannerite does..... I haven't dealt with BATFE, since 9-11, so I am not up on the latest Rulings, however back before that, Cheddites were not regulated, and could be shipped UPS Ground, as just Chemicals. HazMat Shipping Rules may likely been changed, since then, as well, but I bet I Could order a 50# Can, and 2 Liters of the liquid, by Truck Freight, and get it delivered, especially if they came from different Chemical Supply Houses.
    Yard Dart likes this.
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