Another story I've been playing with. It's about a worse case for the gulf oil well. Let me know what you think! The Crack – Part 1 | Thanks for reading!
Holy moley!! Is this possible?It makes enough sense to me that if I lived near the coast I'd be wanting to move..I'm glad I'm in good ole Tennessee..
Well, I was kinda disappointed...this was too "flash in the pan" for my taste. Seemed like a one hour TV show where they get out to 59 minutes and just chop it off without making much sense or developing the potential, because they are out of time. OK...main character to date buys the farm.....but what happens to everyone else as a result of "the crack" ? A good story, to me, is one that I can find myself thinking "what would I do", or "how would this affect me"
I enjoyed it; short and sweet. Would be nice to have a second bit told from a land lubbers perspective and the ongoing repercussions of the explosion.
You could turn this into a full-sized novel fairly easily. Have it focused on the main character’s family, which allows his death to have an impact on everyone else as well. If you integrate the first sections – the march to disaster – with bits about his family, it gives it a sense of both scale and a normal life turned upside down. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /> Have his son/brother as a police officer, with his wife fleeing the city as you suggested. Chris