Fishermen selling fresh fish on the road side

Discussion in 'Turf and Surf Hunting and Fishing' started by Hanzo, Sep 24, 2022.

  1. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    I like food truck and stall and like buying from local farmers and fishermen. It was getting late when I was going home from the airport, but the guy was still there and he still had fish. So I grabbed a bag of fresh ahi (tuna) belly, and whipped some up for dinner.



    Red curry

  2. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    That got my salivary glands working!!
    Hanzo likes this.
  3. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    How it should be done.
    Hanzo and Cruisin Sloth like this.
  4. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Just be careful. Buying vegetables at the farm' market is one thing, but buying meat, fish or dairy is something entirely different:unsure:.:(:eek::oops:o_O:cautious::cry::sick:
    Hanzo likes this.
  5. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    So far so good... knock on wood. Even had street fish tacos in Mexico.
    SB21 likes this.
  6. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    You sure do eat a lot healthier than I do ,, you should write a cookbook ,,, your food pics always look great ,, and they look like they taste as good as they look .
    Hanzo likes this.
  7. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    You ate cat food tacos....Mexican cat food tacos?
    Hanzo and CraftyMofo like this.
  8. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    SB21 likes this.
  9. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    Coulda been any other variety of street meat. Street fish sounds horrible.
    SB21 likes this.
  10. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    Hard to do a cook book when I don't use recipes and don't even measure. Maybe a stuff I ate book?
  11. reitiafasd

    reitiafasd Monkey

    Fishermen selling fresh fish on the roadside is a common sight in many coastal areas. It is a direct and convenient way for fishermen to sell their catch to local residents and passersby. Here are some key points about fishermen selling fresh fish on the roadside:

    Freshness: One of the main advantages of buying fish from roadside fishermen is the freshness of the catch. Since the fish are typically caught that day or the previous day, they are often of high quality and retain their flavor and texture.

    Locally sourced: Roadside fish vendors often sell fish that is locally sourced, supporting the local fishing industry and providing customers with a taste of regional seafood.

    Variety: Depending on the region and the fishing practices in the area, roadside fish vendors may offer a wide variety of fish and seafood. This can include popular species such as salmon, trout, cod, snapper, or local specialty catches.

    Pricing: Prices for fish sold by roadside fishermen can vary depending on factors such as the type of fish, demand, and the local market conditions. Generally, you may find competitive prices compared to fish available in supermarkets or fish markets.

    Convenience: Buying fish from roadside vendors offers convenience, as customers can often stop by on their way home from work or while running errands. It eliminates the need to go to a traditional fish market or grocery store to purchase fresh seafood.

    Direct interaction: Purchasing fish from roadside vendors allows customers to interact directly with the fishermen. This direct interaction can create a sense of trust and provide an opportunity to ask questions about the catch, fishing methods, or even get cooking suggestions.

    Seasonal availability: Availability of certain fish species may depend on the fishing season and regulations in the area. Roadside fish vendors will typically have the freshest catch available during peak fishing seasons.

    It's important to note that regulations regarding the sale of seafood may vary from one location to another. Roadside fish vendors must comply with local health and safety regulations to ensure the fish they sell is handled, stored, nylon rope in Dubai and transported properly. As a customer, it's always a good idea to assess the freshness and quality of the fish before making a purchase.
    Hanzo likes this.
  12. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Also note, that selling Sport Caught Fish and Game, is not legal in most States in the USA… and there is really very few commercial Trout fisheries allowed here as well… In Alaska, Commercial Fisheries are highly Regulated by the ADF&G, and if you are a Road side seller, you had better only be selling a specie that is Open for Commercial Fishing.. get caught selling King Crab during a Closed Season, they take all your Fishing Gear, and maybe even your boat, as well as a hefty Fine, and if it wasn’t your first conviction, GrayBar Hotel time…
    Gator 45/70, SB21 and Hanzo like this.
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