flashlights stuff

Discussion in 'Functional Gear & Equipment' started by mev, Jul 11, 2010.

  1. mev

    mev Monkey+

    Hi all, I came across this forum while survival tips. Tons of helpful info here. Noticed that this section for outdoor gear. By chance I run a review site for lighting equipment which might be useful to some. Feel free to check it out at Flashlight Reviews, Torchlight Reviews, LED, HID, Xenon & More
  2. pcc

    pcc Monkey+

    I have a some of the high dollar flashlights but recently found one that for the price can't be beat.

    It's the duracell daylight flashlight. My local wally world had them on clearance for $5 so I got one just to try out. Man this light is great, good distance I can easily make out objects at 50 yards, ability to focus from flood to spot and great battery life, haven't had to change the batteries in over a year now.

    After trying the original out for a week I went back and got the rest of the ones they had on clearance to replace the C & D cell flashlights I had stored around the house.

    If your wally world has any of these light on clearance they are well worth the money.
  3. hedger

    hedger Monkey+

    Cheapos are Getting Better but...

    I agree that the cheaper flashlights are getting seriously better--if you shop carefully.

    However, my favorite serious flashlight is the Surefire G2 Nitrolon. I did get the LED upgrade and it is outstanding. I bought 3 of these; got one for my wife, my son and for myself. I got all of them in the bright yellow color--they are no good to you if you cannot find them when you need them!

    Also, these are so bright (pay attention ladies) that if you are carrying one of them at night (turned off) and someone starts walking assertively towards you, turning it on and shining it into the offending person's eyes (approx 72+ lumens) they will be temporarily stunned/disoriented.

    Please keep in mind that in order to generate that tremendous level of brightness that they do require those expensive lithium batteries. But here is the good news about that: #1: Lithium batteries have a useful shelf life of about 10 years! #2: Lithium batteries don't lose their energy when it is extremely cold.

    Also, our troops, overseas use these flashlights because of their tremendous quality and reliability--and they have a lifetime guarantee!
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