
Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by skyking, Jun 25, 2011.

  1. ATF628

    ATF628 Monkey+

    Clean the pups with a flea shampoo, put a few flea bombs in the house, and leave for a few hours.

    Both items can be found at a Target. My cat had flea problems and they were all over everything. Now several months after the shampoo/bombs there have been no fleas at all.
  2. Yikes

    Yikes Monkey+

    I have used Boraxo and it worked. I also grow penny royal around the house. It's a mint type low growing plant.
  3. silversam

    silversam Monkey+

    Borax works. Advantage for the dogs. And you can use joy dish washing soap on the dogs and cats.
  4. skyking

    skyking Monkey+

    thanks for all the help, a fairly good remedy was found in a Bi-polar manic [beat]crazy landlord ,we moved and the flea problem has gone away
    lot's of stress though with curing and now just resting in the peace
  5. jack_froste

    jack_froste Monkey

    i have found through great trial and error and 6 months of itching,
    that a compound made of 10 percent sulfur works wonders on the body ,
    and the pets, bed, couch, shoes ,door jambs, ect, ect , just try not to use to much ,
    little goes a long ways , but it works , works on scabies as well , and ticks,
    the down side is that you will smell like a match head , or fireworks after being burned.
    there are recipes on-line, or these guys are good t fast shipping, http://sulfurointment.com/

    and doesn't hurt to have a small tub in your B.O.B, just in case. good luck!
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