I was wondering what might be available that anyone would suggest or recommend avoiding for folding stocks on AKs. I'm thinking a side folder would work best since with the 30 round mags I think it would interfere with swinging it open and closed with a mag in. What I would like to find would be an attachment that would go over the stock I have and into the back of the receiver so that the existing stock would just be able to fold to the side. I really like the wood on this one but would like for it to be able to fold also and with my size the added length wouldn't be a problem. So anyone know if there's anything like that out there? If not what would you suggest?
I would at the very least try to keep it legitimate by using a Romanian sidefolding stock as pictured. Below is the stock, then as an example on a Polish Tantal rifle. This stock will easily interchange with at fixed stock with no modification to the stocks or weapons.
I talked to Mags about it today, if I am not mistaken he said the same thing. Romanian folder. I do remember this, he said "don't buy no crappy folder from Tapco and put it on that Romy!"
I dont recall where and it may have been another kind but am pretty sure I have seen some pics of AKs with wood stocks that fold to the side, are those on a different kind or just an odd ball thing or what? Also what do the Romy side fold stocks like that run? I know I would really like to keep the wood stock on it but if the price isnt to bad I might just get one of the Romy side folders like shown and could just swap it out if was doing anything where would want/need the folder on it. Galactus, are those some you have? Got any of them you would part with on a low budget?
Hey Galactus, have you done business with them befor? I was just kind of wondering how they ship and/or how their shipping times are. I just went ahead and ordered a stock, a site adjusting tool and a scope mount from them and now am just wondering when to expect it and such.