? for Servicemen (Past and Present)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tracy, Apr 8, 2008.

  1. Tracy

    Tracy Insatiably Curious Moderator Founding Member

    He came home this morning with his military ID. Showing it off proudly.

    I'm full of pride for this young man who has grown so fast before me and now has chosen such an honorable path for his adult life.

    It was quite a shock to learn that he'll be leaving just 11 days after graduation. I'm sure, once it hits, it will be very strange not having him here. I'm excited for the future he's about to begin, and (selfishly) sad for the distance that will be between us. I've already told him that it doesn't matter whether it's across town or across the globe, it's still going to be hard for me to let him go (and that I'd do my best not to cry). ~sappy Mom stuff~

    Thank you, dear Monkeys, for all of the information and helpful words that you've shared with us. I really do appreciate it!
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Look at it this way, T. You'll have a classroom instead of the dining room table -- ~harsh dad/military thinking, making use of resources~ [gone]
  3. Tracy

    Tracy Insatiably Curious Moderator Founding Member

    heh heh heh. [winkthumb] I may be a sappy Mom, but I'm still practical (I already have a classroom)... I was thinking more along the lines of case goods storage :D.
  4. BuckBall

    BuckBall Woman Hater

    Tell this person not to go in acting cocky, and that he/she don't know nothing about how the branch works, cuz they will be wrong in every which way. Now I say this with apprehension since I didn't serve in the American Armed Forces...American born, Foreign Military Trained.
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