was just searching the net and came across this and have 2 old gens. that the gas motors quit sooo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fv53K9MnDuM&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PLB5AFAB7E7248022C i'm so going to try this and if it works as good as the video i'm going to get a few more to do hope the forum finds this a good idea its better to have and not need than need and not have
Now that is really interesting. I wouldn't mind giving it a whirl or two. The real challange after scraping that together would be to run a "kill a watt" and see where the power is. Also, how much power you can put on it before it bogs down
According to the posted vid, the generator is modified to output approximately 200 times it's original output with a custom winding. Sounds like a waste o'money to me. I'm with ghrit on this. Save your money and buy a decent PV system.
The main reason I said to save the money is that it appears as tho' it's a perpetual motion machine, a clear violation of basic physics. And the plea for contributions stuck deeply in my craw.