Canadians have said enough and when those folks get riled, they turn out in masses. Not sure if Justin is going to go into hiding on Saturday but he has a storm headed his way. Freedom Convoy 2022 has taken off and there are truckers from all over Canada headed to Ottawa. The convoys departed on Saturday and it gives me goosebumps to watch some of the videos. Over 5 million dollars in go fund me has been raised, folks are opening up their homes, mechanics offering free services. It about 2 degrees in some places but the roadways are lined with citizens cheering these folks as they pass. The news at first tried to say truckers were upset about road conditions but they can no longer ignore what is happened.
That funding is locked. Little T has tried to declare the convoy a "terrorist threat' - denied. he went to the military to stop the trucks, and was told, "No, eh? (ya Wanker)" Be interesting to see how this turns out.
I had heard Justin was calling them terrorists. I am sure those in Ottawa are getting real nervous. The movement has been stressing peace and this is a peaceful protest but the world saw Jan 6. Currently I have seen police and most supporting this convoy.
Road Trip North, Might take my Canuck Pacific P-12, watch out eh, I comes wheres ya too, Hey Sloth, whatta ya at, wanna road trippin ana scarfin?
Go Fund Me is now at $6,137,450. Yesterday Justin called the movement a fringe group then conveniently went into hiding. I hope this works
Trudeau said this was the fringe minority but what I seem is people with hope, people turning out by the thousands. The fringe minority also has thousands donating to the cause.
Can't hide the truth when it's as loud and proud as this, Canada Freedom ain't for sale! I sure wish something like this would happen here, make Jan 6th look like a girl scouts cookie sale! Imagine half a million big rigs for all across the states converging on D.C. that would sure scare ol Pedo and the D.C. Criminals for sure! Me and my two Brothers got Three 18 wheelers to add to the mix, My Pacific, and Two Peterbilt 379s with custom trailers, would sure be fun to roll coal in front of the white house and scare the old Pedo into an aneurysm!
The best moment of the day More videos here: Convoy Reports at Rebel News
I don't think ol Bedumb knows exactly what he's done to this country . He's just the mouthpiece,, doing the bidding of others . I seriously doubt Bedumb is told the truth, that over half the country does not support him ,, if he knew what's going on out here ,, back at Christmas,, when he was on that phone call when that fella said " Let's go Brandon " ,, and he agreed with the guy ,,, was all the proof I needed of this . If all of them trucks hit DC ,, he'd think it was a parade in his honor ,, because he used to drive Big trucks ,, ,,, that's his belief anyway .
Boy, talk about tyranny... just read a province in Canada (Nova Scotia) has made it an offense to stand on the motor way and support the truckers to the tune of a $10,000 fine...
Did you see the snipers on the roof of parliament today,If any fool trys to issue a fine they are done ! We have had enough !