FRS Motorola T801 Radios....

Discussion in 'Survival Communications' started by BTPost, Mar 21, 2021.

  1. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Been reading up on the capabilities of these little FRS Radios... By incorporating BlueTooth technology into the Radios, building ad hoc Networks of like minded users in the field, just having an BlueTooth iPad/Smartphone. and one of these really does open up a Big expanse of capabilities for Survivalists/Prep’ers in their Off the Shelf Comms... If one incorporates encryption technologies in the BlueTooth device, ahead of the radio, then Private ad hoc encrypted Network Comms become a simple reality.. Years ago, I explored making this type technology available in the Old Nextel 900Mhz Spread Spectrum Phones.. but the link into the phones wasn’t available back in those days... Well NOW, that technology is available, in off the shelf devices... Just be advised that the .GOV Letters Outfits are also aware of these capabilities, and if they are smart (Which they may or may not be) they could be recording all such transmissions, for further Investigations, when these transmissions were being used to coordinate Riots, Protests, and Mobs... Back 30 years ago the FCC had technology to determine which transmitter made the Transmission in question, that was recorded by a WideBand Video Recorder of a big chunk of spectrum, all at once, and could be played back at their leisure, after the fact, by examining the unit itself in the Lab/Mobile DF Van.. It has only gotten better since, folks...
    Dont, Altoidfishfins and VisuTrac like this.
  2. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Interesting! I have been looking into mobile smart phone built on the Raspberry Pi. Looks promising.
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