Congrats WI Monkeys! I don't even know why news stories incorporate Brady responses into their stories anymore. Their arguments are all specious and they will not be happy until all firearms are banned. Concealed Weapons Law | Scott Walker | Wisconsin | The Daily Caller
Interestingly, that article also links to another one that may be of note to monkeys: Arrest Photographer | Government Buildings | Police Intimidation | The Daily Caller
Yes....very interesting. It boils down to police don't want any recording of their potential over-stepping the law and they'll use intimidation tactics to try and thwart it. Generally, it's always been their word against the "perp's," in which case the courts look more favorably on the LEO. But, if you have a video of the whole situation, well, that changes everything. I like the trend...LEOs should be held to a higher standard given that they are the gate-keepers of the justice system.
Indeed, and as someone mentioned in the article - police, in public space performing a public service, have no reasonable expectation of privacy.
if cops cant be filmed it means they have something to hide best they clean up their act or get out, or better yet do both