Here are just some of my many books on gardening. No copyright. Listing: Attracting Wildlife Backyard Composting (1) Backyard Composting (2) Blackberries and Raspberries Constructing Coldframes and Hotbeds Growing Fruit at Home Crop Rotation Damping off Diseases Disease Prevention in Home Vegetable Gardens Garden Soil Management Gardening for Life Grow Your Own Cabbage Grow Your Own Rhubarb Grow Your Own Vegetable Sprouts Growing From Seed
Listing (Cont'd): Growing Fruit Crops in Containers Growing in Containers Herb Container Gardens Insect Pest Management for Organic Crops Planning a Home or Farm Veg Garden Saving Seed Square Foot Gardening Starting Seeds Indoors Tomatoes Vegetable Gardening
Now I have to get to work downloading all this .......... Oh well, no rest for the weary. . Thanks sincerely though. It looks to be an excellent reference library on Gardening.
Thank you for posting these downloadable files Brokor. Although some of the information is pitched to North American climate and geography, the principles do apply more broadly. I shall read them with interest.