GenSet for North Carolina Monkeys.... going cheap.......

Discussion in 'Off Grid Living' started by BTPost, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Last edited: Nov 6, 2013
  2. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    do you think it could be converted to lp?
  3. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Absolutely ... It can, and I can supply all the Manuals for this unit...
  4. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    May have to put in a bid... problem will be getting it in the truck....
  5. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Have a chat with-06... I am sure he can figure a way to get it loaded...
  6. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    If you have the manuals @BTPost , does it specify a weight? How big a truck would it need?
  7. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    750 Pounds for just the Genset itself....
  8. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    then 3 2x4's, some rope and a come-a-long would load it in a pick-up truck.
  9. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Did look good, have to pay off the doc's first..
  10. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    well I missed it... I was sniped
  11. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Sorry Witch.. Did look like a good deal..
  12. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    yep I tried.... just didn't win it...
  13. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Am sure BT will be kind enough to let us all know about any others.
  14. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Dang WD, I was hoping one of you NC Monkeys would get it..... I had 2 of those Gensets here back in the day, and they were Robust, and bulletproof to operate..... If I see another similar down there I will post it.....
  15. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

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