When you'll pull a wool shirt on and go do a little fishin'. This is Melbo's knife, not done but waiting on a sheath.
I finally found the settings I need on the camera to take better pics - before they were too dark no matter what but with these settings it was so bright I had to turn 2 of the 3 lights on the lightbox off. Neat stuff. That knife came out real nice and will look better when I'm done with it. Got a bunch of large ones ground now and will get the other one done. Going to see Loveless Thursday ad hope to take some of these with me to show him.
Ah, ghrit, there's another one in ironwood lookin' pretty good also! I used the last of my ironwood on your knife and Minuteman's, and this is primo stuff.
Like I said earlier, I'm in no rush. Having one of your earlier production numbers is gonna be a treat, especially after you get famous. Let me know when it's ready, the check will be in the mail the next day (to the address you PM me with, uv cuss.)
No problem. I'm finishing a bunch of them and I don't enjoy this part of it so I tend to put it off. You'd think I'd be in a hurry to get them done and get the money, but I have to wait for the wife to make the sheath so I'll start on something else. Here I ground four new bird & trout knives as a test, ruined three of them and am not happy with what I did get out of it. A one-of-a-kind prototype! I'm going to logo it as a prototype also. But it's all good - switching back and forth keeps me doing different things so I don't get bored. I'm trying to finish Melbo's small one right now, along with both of Seacowboy's knives. Then yours and Minutemans will be next since they're both Ironwood.
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 5:41 pm Edit/Delete this post Valkman wrote: Ah, ghrit, there's another one in ironwood lookin' pretty good also! I used the last of my ironwood on your knife and Minuteman's, and this is primo stuff. Very Happy Like I said earlier, I'm in no rush. Having one of your earlier production numbers is gonna be a treat, especially after you get famous. Let me know when it's ready, the check will be in the mail the next day (to the address you PM me with, uv cuss.) beer Status, please sir --. No hurry, just an update will do.
I was gonna PM you soon - the knife is done except for sharpening and the wife just finished the sheath tonight. I'll oil it and finish it, sharpen the knife and it can be sent - about 2 days or whenever you want.
PM received, check in the mail. You might hold off a couple days to ship if you need the time, I'm going to be in South Carolina over the weekend, leaving Friday. Definately looking forward --- Regards, ghrit
Hopefully I'll post pics tonight, as the Ironwood is stunning. So is the handles on Minuteman's knife, if I can ever get the etching right. Now I screwed up my logo on the etching so I have to buff it off and do it again!