We're trying to track down why some users are getting logged out of the site unexpectedly. One member told me that it's like the 'Remember Me' button doesn't work. We performed a site upgrade last night and that would have nuked your cookies and I've been trying to tweak it again tonight to find the problem which could have caused further log outs. If you are experiencing this problem, please tell me what Browser and version you are using (example: Internet Explorer 7) We'll try to get this solved one way or another.
yes, but it is a small thing..... It is much better than the random drop that used to happen at the chatbox when you were typing in something rather long. being a two toe typist that makes me quite upset...lol
I made some changes last night and it looks like some people are having a tough time getting back in. If this is happening to you: Try to clear you cookies and cache, restart your browser, come back to www.survivalmonkey.com/forum and try to log in again. If this still doesn't work, send me an email and I'll try to reset your password. Survival Monkey Forums - Contact Us
Have either of you attempted to change your passwords? That often fixes this as the security update added a new 'salt' password hashing aspect to the way vBulletin stores passwords.
Byte - That should NOT happen unless you log out, shut down either FF or the computer (which also shuts FF down.) Those cases will require a log in. The software has been getting upgrades with new security items as well, that could be what's doing it; not so sure about that, but you've been a while (?) since last on, that could well have something to do with it. Bear in mind here, that I'm not a guru, just making a few guesses. Ooops, melbo got here while I was typing.
Your FF is probably set to remove all cookies upon exit. Also, you could be removing passwords on exit. Check your security options in FF.
I have FF set to clear everything without exception upon exit and have also set it so that it does not ask me to confirm this.
I just started getting logged out. But only at work, not home. Both PC's use FF 3.6.2. I have double checked my settings and I do not clear anything upon exit. In fact, today, I have not closed my browser at all, and I have been logged out twice after leaving SM to visit other sites.
Having the same problem with FF 3.6.2. Have SM and other sites up and do not log out of any of them or shut down FF. SM is the only site that I have to log into each day. I will try the password change and see if that fixes it.
If the password change fixes it, you can always change it back to the old one if you wanted. It's not the passwd, it's the act of the system writing a new passwd to the server that can help.
changing the password did not work for me. I was logged into the site earlier today, closed FF, and just now had to log back in. I'm now on FF 3.6.3.
This is frustrating. You've logged out (intentionally), done a full cookie-cache-history, etc clear and then closed FF and reopened and logged in right? We should be migrating to vB4 in the next week. Hopefully that will solve it although I'm reading threads at vBulletin of people having the same problems on vB4 too. The weirdest thing is that it only happens to some, regardless of browser. I have zero problems, (that aren't self induced).
I changed my password, logged out (it said "All cookies cleared!"), logged in with "Remember me" and then after around 7 hours not on the site, had to log on again to post this.
Now I log in ok, after resetting my password...BUT now I've lost the "chat room" feature, unless I crash the page, or log out and back in again...weird!
I was dropped out once last evening, I think it had to do with the minor upgrade. Other than that, it's happened one other time this week when I was logged in but not active for several hours.
I cleared the cookies associated with the SM site this morning on my home PC, so far, I have not been logged out. Gonna try the same thing on my work PC, see if that solves the problem with me getting logged out.