This time of year, I spend sharpening my archery skills, daily shooting compound, long-bow, and cross-bow. My backyard range is covered with stops and targets and I even keep fresh batterries in the metal detector for the few flyers that burrow past the fletching. I shoot from ground level and stand. I shoot instinctively with much more accuracy than with sights but I still use sights on the compound because that's the way you are supposed to. I have more confidence in my longbow than in these modern things and would love an osage warbow complete with wooden broadheads with real feathers. A friend dropped by to watch me practice and commented about how seriously I take my bow hunting and I told him that I don't hunt. I used to hunt alot. I haven't drawn a bow at an animal in 25 years. He asked if I was planning to take it back up? Nope. I don't have much time for hunting. He asked me why I was practicing? Maybe I'm a little eccentric; I buy a license every year, practice with my bows, fix some good meals with the remaining venison that my brothers sent me last year, and can do all this wearing a pair of cut-off jeans and sandals. He said that doesn't make sense. I pointed out that every year around this time he buys a new NFL cuzzy, puts fresh batteries in the remote, stocks up on beer and chips, all in anticipation of football season but unless I miss my guess, has no intention of putting on a helmet and actually playing.
Good point, I need to shoot mine more. I'll have to turn it down, I was shooting @77#, too many days at a desk.
Same here, I had it restrung year before last, didn't have time to shoot it, or hunt. I looked at my tube of wax the other day, looked didn't actually use it. I need to pick up a few 3-D targets and get back to shooting. I might also have to turn it down, I was shooting at 73#.
I'm getting to where I loose fewer arrows but seem to be splitting more shafts. I guess I need to turn the target and shoot the corner dots. I still prefer the long-bow instinctive shooting and try to practice daily with long and compound. Its hard to believe the difference in the two...especially technique.
Years ago, I saw some footage of Howard Hill shooting, he was amazing. The old Errol Flynn "Robin Hood" movie was before the special effect days, and he actually shot the stunts foir the movie. Hill could shoot birds and everything with a bow.
I saw an old video once of Ben Pearson shooting pheasants and a smaller bird, maybe ducks or doves with a bow. He was incredible.
I should get back to shooting mine as well. I know when I was shooting it all the time I used to go squirl hunting with it and try to catch them on or near the ground then go for head shots. Did fairly well at it as long as could catch them low and inside about 20-30 yards but then to was shooting a LOT at that point.
Cool....I was looking on bowyer sites and saw a place where I can get a good osage blank. You must be a mind reader.