Giving Yourself and Your Family an Extra Margin: Building a 2 Week Pantry

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by chelloveck, Mar 20, 2020.

  1. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Most non-preppers keep a pantry sufficient to meet their needs from pay cheque to pay cheque, with little to no thought for keeping an extra margin to cover their needs should something seriously bad happens to if when the pay cheques stop coming for a while, or some natural / man made disaster interferes with the supply chain. This thread provides some basic, easy to assimilate information on how to build up a a 14 day food reserve, what to include in it, and the rationale for including certain items.

    3 Week Pantry Plan:

    General Prepping Food Stocking Advice:

    What Food to Stock Up On for CoronaVirus (for Families)

    And for our very own apartment denizon, Ed.

    Although not strictly food pantry items, the following video clip lists and explains a number of non food items that should be in one's prepper stores.

    Gray Wolf, Merkun, oldawg and 4 others like this.
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