Just went to his website and he is saying they have banned his material. They are starting to shut the web down in this respect.
Apparently Google delisted him from their "Newsfeeds" but did not remove him from the google search function... as to youtube... not sure which video got him removed... but a bunch on folks flagging his videos as inappropiate would probably get him tanked...
In an age of universal deceit, speaking the truth becomes a revolutionary act. The book burning begins
The real lie to this is when we can see far worse crap on YouTube than anything Alex Jones has shown or said. But apparently that is okay - speaking against goobermint atrocities isn't....... Censorship is very much alive in the US media.
These bastards are using our constitution and bill of rights as toilet paper, and we have to sit here and take it...........We have a voice......We have a right to speak.... but if we don't say something soon, they will take it all away.
I bet you any amount of money Cass Sunstien, The Worm and Regulatory czar, is behind google to do this all it took was one little nudge to get them to do this............He consistently talks net neutrality, and having to curtail freedom of speech. He would love to see fox shut down, along with Alex and others....... Because they shine light on the cockroaches and what they are doing................