Grand Solar Minimum and Survival

Discussion in 'Politics' started by deMolay, Dec 24, 2018.

  1. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Lots of good food out there, sun roots, cat tails, purslane, acorns, dandelions, burdock, but learn now,some things look like something you know, but are poison and like mushrooms, they will do a little more than make you sick. Love your greenhouse and envious of it. Really like looking at it and will look forward to how it works out.
    Ganado likes this.
  2. deMolay

    deMolay Monkey+

    I have been doing a lot of experimenting with gardening, heritage seeds, raised beds, small greenhouse, etc. Even been growing small plots of wheat and heritage corn varieties. A 40 x 40 ft plot of wheat will feed a family of 4 for pretty much 1 year. I harvested it with a corn knife. The threshing was the hard part very slow with a 5 gal bucket and a home flail on a drill. Been looking for an old mulcher to modify for a small thresher.
    Ganado likes this.
  3. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    What about fertilizer? How much fertilizer do you keep in stock? You will need to keep enough for a couple years because most gardens that we will use are fertilizer poor. I hav been hauling munch to my garden this winter and will plow it in when the ground gets dry. Also what about lime?
    deMolay likes this.
  4. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    I think you have to know your garden and stock what you need for your gardening needs in your area.
    deMolay and chelloveck like this.
  5. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    If the sun is diminishing in strength it might require having green house lights for gardening to continue and if weather is dropping temps it may require a green house or better to grow things
    deMolay likes this.
  6. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Zimmy, deMolay and oldman11 like this.
  7. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    About 3,000 pounds will pretty much take care of anything.
    deMolay and oldman11 like this.
  8. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    If you culture animals you have a constant flow of manure.
    Aquaponics uses the fish deposits fertilize the garden .
    My aquaponic system cycles through dirt in the garden, back to the fish tank .
    Chickens and rabbits provide excellent manure as well as other livestock but that means growing food for them as well .
    deMolay likes this.
  9. deMolay

    deMolay Monkey+

    The reason that I built a small lean to greenhouse was to experiment with aquaponics and hydroponics. And vertical gardening and flood and drain beds. At the same time playing with different grow bed arrangements. We dropped the aquaponic idea and will go hydroponic. And raise rabbits. Root crops do not do so well in beds, nor grains. From what I am reading the grain growing regions of America could shift 300 plus miles south. Which could mean no more wheat for export.
  10. deMolay

    deMolay Monkey+

    As the Grand Solar Minimum deepens its grip we will see more temps like these. In fact if you go back and look at the climate map as projected by NASA during the Maunder Minimum. You see the same pattern developing. Some have said and history shows in the last Maunder that Florida froze up. In fact Chicago's normal winter moves south to Atlanta and Chicago gets the deep, deep freeze. Surprisingly on the NASA map PNW and west coast north to Alaska and Alaska itself gets warmer while right down through the middle and the NE gets brutal cold.
  11. deMolay

    deMolay Monkey+

    Homer Simpson likes this.
  12. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    one theory
  13. deMolay

    deMolay Monkey+

    Globull Warming the greatest fraud in history. Round up the Fraudsters and place them in leg irons and shuffle them off to camps with buck saws to cut firewood for the folks. The earth is COOLING we are in a SOLAR MINIMUM. FFS. Record Cold Forces Rethink on Global Warming
    DuxDawg and Homer Simpson like this.
  14. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Fraudulent scientists should be sent to Siberia
    Homer Simpson likes this.
  15. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Naw, that doesn’t really get the Point Across... Fraudulent Scientists need to be Tried in Public, and shamed in the Press, as Frauds, so that NO ONE will ever give credance to what they say, ever again...
    DuxDawg, sourdough145 and deMolay like this.
  16. deMolay

    deMolay Monkey+

    Turns out none of the DATA being used for the last 25 years by the UN IPCC and all the Governments who have been spending Billions on this Fraud and the CARBON TAX SCAM none of the DATA has been audited in 25 years. Here is the audit from an Aussie Researcher.
    Ganado likes this.
  17. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Yup, and I looked at the original Research Report that the author wrote, and this sinopsuss charactorizes i t v ery well... This fellow did his Homework... and his conclusions, are appropriate... Now we will watch, and see how the Peer Reviews come in...
    deMolay and Ganado like this.
  18. deMolay

    deMolay Monkey+

    The UN is demanding 2 Trillion per year to fight Globull warming, pretty much all from the western democracies. Yet none of our so called leaders have done an audit on the UN research. Our governments have spent 100's of Billions of tax dollars on this already and never done any homework on the subject. They must be drooling at the thought of the Billions they can siphon off from the Trillions as it passes through all those hands on it way down the drain to Green Global Communism. Biggest Fraud in the history of civilization.
    DuxDawg and Ganado like this.
  19. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    meh I would not worry about UN we won't be in it much longer .... follow the money
    deMolay likes this.
  20. I have read everything here so far. Got to admit, was not something I came across before or considered. If it was to happen , Me and my master (wife;)) would likely be in trouble. Also noticed many of you are really into producing all your own food. We would if possible. but its not. But I have ALOT of info on food production, ect, Going to start uploading everything I have on permaculture, Low tech livestock, and alternative foods over the next few days to week. If anyone is looking for specific info, just ask. Please consider me your personal librarian....[biggrouphug]
    T. Riley, deMolay and oldman11 like this.
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