These are great for working on anything with small parts that are difficult to handle. Great also for removing or replacing small springs and other hard to handle small parts on guns, fishing gear. Each set includes 5 tools: Two 4 3/4" tweezers, one with teeth and one without One 4 3/4" Straight hemostat One 4 3/4" Curved Hemostat with Teeth for gripping One 4 3/4" pair of Surgical Scissors for trimming All tools are Stainless Steel and new condition. Fantastic for working on anything with small parts, hobbies, guns, fishing gear, bending wire, repairing electrical appliances, working on your guns/fishing gear. 1000 uses and will become the most used tools in your toolbox. Originally designed for sewing up lacerations and wounds in the medical field. Pics can be seen at: (Click on individual pics for close-up view) Price is $12.00 a set and $5.00 shipping for Priority Mail via Post Office.within the US. Prefer PayPal for fastest shipping. Money back guarantee if you don't like them. Discounted shipping if you want more than one set. Believe me, your wife will steal them for her hobby/sewing box. Email me at if interested.
FunnyRunners 1st post and it's in the "for sale" section? Not trying to stir the pot but that's a little suspicious.
Sorry guys, found this forum last night at work and joined this morning as soon as I got home. I have some stuff stored but not nearly there ever enough ammo?! I just thought you guys might like access to the tools cheap, not cheap tools. I know they were made in Pakistan but that in no way makes them sub-standard, except to German tools. Pakistan supplies the majority of medical instruments we use in this country, again, except for the very, very expensive German ones. I've been using these tools for over 20 years and they really are very nice,especially for the price and have multiple uses. Anyway, sorry if I got off on the wrong foot and look forward to being an active member of the forum. Thanks for listening, Funnyrunner